W3C PR-CSS1-961112

Cascading Style Sheets, level 1

W3C Proposed Recommendation 12 Nov 1996

Описание составлено по материалам


Данное описание первому уровню (level 1) спецификаций механизма задания стиля документа (Cascading Style Sheet mechanism -- CSS1). CSS1 позволяет авторам гипертексовых документов использовать шрифты, цвет и задания рассояний (fonts, colors and spacing) по принципам настольных издательских систем.

Данные спецификации пока поддерживаются только MS Internet Expolorer 3.0.


Краткий обзор

1         Basic concepts
1.1         Containment in HTML
1.2         Grouping
1.3         Inheritance
1.4         Class as selector
1.5         ID as selector
1.6         Contextual selectors
2         Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
2.1         Anchor pseudo-classes
2.2         Typographical pseudo-elements
2.3         The 'first-line' pseudo-element
2.4         The 'first-letter' pseudo-element
2.5         Pseudo-elements in selectors
2.6         Multiple pseudo-elements
3         The cascade
3.1         'important'
3.2         Cascading order
4         Formatting model
4.1         Block-level elements
4.1.1         Vertical formatting
4.1.2         Horizontal formatting
4.1.3         List-item elements
4.1.4         Floating elements
4.2         Inline elements
4.3         Replaced elements
4.4         The height of lines
4.5         The canvas
4.6         'BR' elements
5         CSS1 properties
5.1         Notation for property values
5.2         Font properties
5.2.1         Font matching
5.2.2         'font-family'
5.2.3         'font-style'
5.2.4         'font-variant'
5.2.5         'font-weight'
5.2.6         'font-size'
5.2.7         'font'
5.3         Color and background properties
5.3.1         'color'
5.3.2         'background', 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position'
5.4         Text properties
5.4.1         'word-spacing'
5.4.2         'letter-spacing'
5.4.3         'text-decoration'
5.4.4         'vertical-align'
5.4.5         'text-transform'
5.4.6         'text-align'
5.4.7         'text-indent'
5.4.8         'line-height'
5.5         Box properties
5.5.1         'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin'
5.5.2         'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding'
5.5.3         'border', 'border-top', 'border-right', 'border-bottom', 'border-left', 'border-color', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width'
5.5.4         'width'
5.5.5         'height'
5.5.6         'float'
5.5.7         'clear'
5.6         Classification properties
5.6.1         'display'
5.6.2         'list-style', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-image'
5.6.3         'white-space'
6         Units
6.1         Length units
6.2         Percentage units
6.3         Color units
6.4         URL
7         CSS1 conformance
7.1         forward-compatible grammar
7.2         Parsing conventions
8         References
9         Acknowledgments

Appendix A: Sample style sheet for HTML 2.0
Appendix B: A sample lex/yacc grammar
Appendix C: Encoding
Appendix D: Gamma correction
Appendix E: The applicability and extensibility of CSS1