on the Regional Committee
  1. General statements

    The Regional Committee (hereafter refereed to as "The Committee'') was formed by the Participants of the Agreement for the Project "Euromath Network and Services for the New Independent States'', Phase II --- EmNet/NIS/II operative management in Siberia and Far Eastern region of Russia as well as for providing technical measures, associated with Project realization.

  2. Tasks of the Committee
    1. The Committee coordinates all the activities on creation and accumulation of Project information resources.

    2. The Committee realizes analysis of concrete technical solutions on Project realization and development.

    3. The Committee:

      1. Approves the list of technical measures associated with Project realization;

      2. Chooses executive organizations;

      3. Approves estimates of expenses and calendar plans of work;

      4. Approves acts of accretions of done work stages.

  3. The Committee staff

    The Committee members are appointed and excused from by the Agreement (Project Scientific Council) participants.

  4. The Project coordinator directs the Project activity .

  5. Organization of the Committee activity

    The Committee plans its activity according to the plans of Project realization as well as the tasks formulated in part 2 of this Regulations.

  6. The Committee decisions , taken after achievement of consensus between the Agreement Participants are obligatory for all the Project executives.

September 4, 1995. Novosibirsk.