Mathematics related servers

WWW Virtual Library - Mathematics
The WWW Electronic Journals: Mathematics
Локальная версия The WWW Electronic Journals of Euclid Server.
The European Mathematical Society (EMS). Home Page.
European Mathematical Information Service Offered by the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Contents: The Electronic Library of the EMS (ELibEMS), About the EMS, Mathematical societies in Europe, Conferences, Directory of the individual members of the EMS etc.
Локальная версия электронной библиотеки EMS.
Yahoo Guide to WWW - Mathematics
A subject based Web index for Mathematics.
American Mathematical Society (USA)
Локальная информация о Математических журналах AMS.
Canadian Mathematical Society
ZIB Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Informationstechnik Berlin (Germany)
Laboratory for Computer Aided Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki
Numerical Analysts Net (Na-Net)
The NA-Net is a system developed to serve the community of numerical analysts and other researchers. The Na-Net provides two independent databases (Email and White Pages) and a weekly digest to its members.
Brigham Young University, Department of Mathematics (USA)
Center for Scientific Computing, Mathematical Topics (Finland)
Guide to Available Math Software (USA)
Los Alamos Physics Information Service (USA)
Mathematics Archives WWW Server (USA)
Northwestern University, Department of Mathematics (USA)
Oklahoma State University, Mathematics Department (USA)
University of Michigan, Mathematics Department (USA)
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (USA)
University of South Carolina, Mathematics Department (USA)
Yale Mathematics (USA)
The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions in Mathematics
Favorite Mathematical Constants
A set of essays collected by Steven Finch, Research and Development Team, MathSoft, Inc.
Introduction: (by Steven Finch)
All numbers are not created equal; that certain constants appear at all and then echo throughout mathematics, in seemingly independent ways, is a source of fascination. Just as physical constants provide "boundary conditions" for the physical universe, mathematical constants somehow characterize the structure of mathematics.
Creative Online Enteprises
The Mathematics Library Plus Series include five (5) CD-ROM titles featuring Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Geometry, and Trignometry Each CD-ROM title is a compendium of scientific and mathematical equations. Each listing explains the fundamental principle(s), corollaries of the equation and its sample usage.
Homepage Creation Section ('s Information Server)
Has two interesting services. The first is the online homepage creator. It lets you fill in blanks (it's a form) and it will create a homepage for you to download. It lets you select different backgrounds, and text color, etc. Once you fill out all the information it will create either .zip or .tar compressed file for you to download! The second thing you might find of interest is the online form/cgi creator section. This works the same way as the homepage creator by filling in the blanks except it creates forms for you. What's more is that it also makes the CGI script to go along with it.
