![]() Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of SB RASResourcesA geoinformation system (GIS) on geology and chemistry for Russian oils has been created. It consists in three data bases. Base of factographic data includes files "The Results of Well Tests", containing the results on the studies of all productive and prospecting wells, i.e. productive formations, depth of roof and bottom occurrence, hole depth, perforation range, formation temperature and pressure, differential pressure; buffer, casing head, bottom hole pressures; oil, gas and condensate outputs; etc. The second data base includes information on current state of wells: abandoned, shut-in or productive. The third data base includes files "The Results on the Studies of Oil Samples and Dispersed Rock Phases" and over 48 indeces obtained at IPC SB RAS and in other research and industrial institutions. Presented are geochemical characteristics of oils and dispersed rock phases, calculated based on individual composition of alkanes, arenes and metalloporphyrins. GIS permits to develop digital maps. There are special data bases presenting primary information obtained at geophysical well tests and under the investigations of oil samples and dispersed rock phases. The processing of the information obtained fills up the contents of the basic factographic data bases. Automatically created file "Chromatograms of Oil Samples and Dispersed Rock Phases" includes chromatograms for the analysed samples in a numerical form. This information is also used to create factographic data base. Data base on atmospheric pollutions and those of surface and ground waters of the Tomsk Region consists in 16 files characterizing environmental conditions in the region since 1992. Collection of the Patent and Information Department includes: Data base "Oil Card Index" (physico-chemical characteristics, element composition and fraction characteristics); A programme for ESR-spectra processing; A programme for data processing based on analyses of oils and dispersed rock phases by main component method; Patent literature; Inventions Over the World (abstracts); Information publications; Patent research reports; Information search reports;
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