Limnological Institute of SB RAS

History of Institute

Limnological Institute of RAS SB is founded on the base of Baikal Limnological Station existing since 1925.

340 persons work at the Institute, 190 of them are doing scientific work. There are 5 Doctors and 50 Candidates of Sciences in the Institute.

There are the following laboratories and groups in the Institute:

Laboratory of Ichthyology
Laboratory of Hydrochemistry
Laboratory of Microbiology
Laboratory of Systematics of Gene
Laboratory of Biocenology
Laboratory of Hydrology and Hydrophysics
Laboratory of Molecular Enzymology
Laboratory of Paleolimnology
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Water Organisms Systematics
Laboratory of Piniped Biology
Laboratory of Meteorology and Climatology
Group of Electronic Microscopy
Group of Olygonucleotic Synthesis
Group of Liquid Chromatography
Radio-isotopic Group
Group of Molecular Virology
Section of Closed-Cycle technologies.

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© 2003, Limnological Institute of SB RAS, Irkutsk.
© 2003, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Last Updated: Thursday May 29 2003