Andrei Ershov Fourth International Conference


3 - 6 July 2001, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia


The conference is held to honor the 70th anniversary of the late Academician Andrei Ershov (1931-1988) and his outstanding contributions towards advancing informatics. The first three conferences were held in May 1991, June 1996, and July 1999 and proved to be significant international events.

Andrei Ershov was one of the early Russian pioneers in the field of theoretical and systems programming, a founder of the Siberian School of Computer Science. In 1974 he was nominated as a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society. In 1981 he received the Silver Core Award for services rendered to IFIP.

Andrei Ershov's brilliant speeches were always in the focus of public attention. Especially notable was his lecture on "Aesthetic and human factor in programming" presented at the AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference in 1972. Andrei Ershov was not only an extremely gifted scientist, teacher and fighter for his ideas, but also a bright and many-sided personality. He wrote poetry, translated the works of R.Kipling and other English poets, and enjoyed playing guitar and singing.

Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Andrei Ershov and working with him will always remember his great vision, eminent achievements, and generous friendship.

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for the presentation and in-depth discussion of advanced research directions in computer science. For a developing science, it is important to work out consolidating ideas, concepts and models. Movement in this direction is one of the goals the Conference is to meet. Improvement of the contacts and exchange of ideas between researchers from the East and West are further goals.


Semantics-Based Program Processing

- program specification, transformation, and verification,
- semantics, logic and formal models of programs,
- partial evaluation, mixed computation, and abstract interpretation,
- program analysis and synthesis,
- model checking.

Program Methodology and Automated Software Engineering

- object-oriented, component-based and generic programming,
- program and system construction for parallel and distributed computing,
- constraint programming,
- multi-agent technology,
- system re-engineering and reuse,
- integrated programming environments,
- software architectures,
- software development and testing,
- program understanding and visualization.

Information Technologies

- database and information systems,
- knowledge-based systems and knowledge engineering,
- Internet technologies, Web publishing and electronic commerce,
- digital libraries.

In addition to papers in the above list of topics, papers both bridging the gap between different directions and promoting mutual understanding of researchers in different directions are welcome. Papers defining the prospects of Computer Science in the whole and joint West-East papers are also encouraged.


The conference will be held in Akademgorodok (Academy town), 30 km South from Novosibirsk, the largest city of Siberia. Akademgorodok is located in a picturesque place near the Ob lake. It is surrounded with birch and pine forests and pleasant not only for work but for recreation as well. Silence, beautiful landscape, and pure air are the factors promoting scientific activity and creativity.


Alexander Marchuk
A.P.Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
Phone: +7-3832-343652
fax: +7-3832-323494


Dines Bjorner
Dept. of IT
Technical University of Denmark,
DK-2800 Lyngby, DENMARK
Phone/Fax: +45-

Manfred Broy
Institut fur Informatik
Technische Universitat Munchen
D-80290 Munich, GERMANY
Phone: +49-89-21058161
Fax: +49-89-21058183

Alexandre Zamulin
A.P.Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
Phone: +7-3832-396258
Fax: +7-3832-323494


Janis Barzdins (Riga, Latvia)
Frederic Benhamou (Nantes, France)
Mikhail Bulyonkov (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Gabriel Ciobanu (Iasi, Romania)
Piotr Dembinski (Warsaw, Poland)
Alexander Dikovsky (Nantes, France)
Uwe Glasser (Paderborn, Germany)
Victor Ivannikov (Moscow, Russia)
Philippe Jorrand (Grenoble, France)
Leonid Kalinichenko (Moscow, Russia)
Alexander Kleschev (Vladivostok, Russia)
Gregory Kucherov (Nancy, France)
Sergei Kuznetsov (Moscow, Russia)
Alexander Letichevski (Kiev, Ukraine)
Giorgio Levi (Pisa, Italy)
Yoshifumi Masunaga (Tokio, Japan)
Dominique Mery (Nancy, France)
Bernhard Moller (Augsburg, Germany)
Hanspeter Mossenbock (Linz, Austria)
Ron Morrison (St. Andrews, Scotland)
Valery Nepomniaschy (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Peter Pepper (Berlin, Germany)
Francesco Parisi-Presicce (Rome, Italy)
Jaan Penjam (Tallinn, Estonia)
Alexander Petrenko (Moscow, Russia)
Jaroslav Pokorny (Prague, Czech Republic)
Wolfgang Reisig (Berlin, Germany)
Dieter Rombach (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Viktor Sabelfeld (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Don Sannella (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Vladimir Sazonov (Manchester, UK)
David Schmidt (Manhattan, USA)
Igor Shvetsov (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Sibylle Schupp (Troy, USA)
Nicolas Spyratos (Paris, France)
Lothar Tiele (Zurich, Switzerland)
Alexander Tomilin (Moscow, Russia)
Enn Tyugu (Stockholm, Sweden)
Andrei Voronkov (Manchester, UK)
Tatyana Yakhno (Izmir, Turkey)


Natalia Cheremnykh
A.P.Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
phone: +7-3832-342352
fax: +7-3832-323494
e-mail: {cher, psi01}

To maintain an intensive conference atmosphere and enable in-depth discussions, the number of participants is limited to 100. Three kinds of presentations - invited talks, regular contributed talks, and short contributed talks - are proposed.


1. Egidio Astesiano (Italy)
2. Jan Friso Groote (The Netherlands)
3. Yuri Gurevich (USA)
4. David Harel (Israel)
5. Bertrand Meyer (USA)
6. Peter Mosses (Denmark)


1. Rimma Podlovchenko (Moscow, Russia)
2. Igor Pottosin (Novosibirsk, Russia)


A book of extended abstracts of invited and accepted talks will be available at the Conference. The full versions of the papers presented at the Conference (roughly 14 pages long for a regular talk and 7 pages long for a short talk) are expected to be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (one can find the Proceedings of the previous two conferences in LNCS, vol. 1181, and 1755; respectively; a report of the previous conference can be found in Bulletin of EATCS, No 69 (October 1999), p. 160-162).


All submissions must be in English, clearly written and in sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee to assess the merits of the work. Electronic submissions are encouraged. They should be received in Novosibirsk by January 28, 2001.

A PostScript file of an extended abstract (up to 8 pages for a regular talk and up to 4 pages for a short talk) should be e-mailed to the following address: Authors who feel that more details are necessary may include a clearly marked appendix which will be read at the discretion of the Programme Committee and not published in the preliminary proceedings.

Please use LaTeX2e or LaTeX. When preparing your submission please follow instructions for authors of papers to be published at Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. You may find these instructions at

The abstract should indicate complete authors' addresses (including e-mail addresses and fax numbers if any), affiliation and a clear statement of the kind of the submission (regular or short talk).

Papers arriving late or exceeding size limits may be rejected immediately without refereeing. The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged by e-mail within 2 days.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 6, 2001.

Material submitted to the Conference should be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including journals or other conferences.


A direct Siberia Airlines flight will bring you from Frankfurt, Hannover, Tel Aviv or Beijing to Novosibirsk and back. One can buy an interline Lufthansa-Siberia Airlines ticket. Participants travelling via Moscow will be helped to take a domestic flight by Aeroflot. All participants will be met at the Novosibirsk airport and brought to Akademgorodok by a special transport.


The weather in Novosibirsk at the beginning of July is normally quite warm and sunny with the temperatures in the range of 25-30 C. Night swimming in the Ob lake is guaranteed.


January 28, 2001: deadline of extended abstracts submission

April 6, 2001: notification of acceptance (by e-mail)

July 2, 2001: arrival date

July 3 - 6, 2001: the conference dates

September 1, 2001: final papers due (camera-ready, LaTeX, llncs style)

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