International Conference

Dedicated to the 100-th Anniversary of Alexander A. Andronov

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
July 2 - 6, 2001

Organized by
Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod
University of Nizhny Novgorod
Steklov Mathematical Institute, RAS, Moscow


Andrei V. Gaponov-Grekhov, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
Alexander F. Khokhlov, University of Nizhny Novgorod

Alexander G. Litvak, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
Roman G. Strongin, University of Nizhny Novgorod


The Conference organizers intend to cover all the fields where Alexander A. Andronov made stimulating contributions or which stem from these contributions, and to present the further developments. Three topical conferences "Mathematical Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics", "Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics", and "Nonlinear Oscillations, Control and Information" will be held within the framework of the Conference to cover different issues of nonlinear science with emphasis on recent progress.

Each topical conference will include oral and poster sessions. A set of invited plenary lectures on interrelated topics will also be presented. Several lectures will be devoted to the activity and the heritage of Alexander A. Andronov. Books and documents concerned with the life and professional activities of Alexander A. Andronov and their historical background will be permanently exhibited during the Conference.


Dear Colleagues,

It is our great personal privilege and pleasure, as Conference Chairmen, to inform you about the International Conference "Progress in Nonlinear Science" and to invite you to attend it and to make it a great scientific event. The Conference is aimed at commemoration of the 100-th anniversary of Professor Alexander A. Andronov (1901-1952), the outstanding Russian scientist, who was one of the most prominent persons in the theory of dynamical systems and one of the founders of nonlinear science in the former Soviet Union and, we believe, in the world.

His main research achievements were in the theory of dynamical systems, bifurcation theory, and their applications to automatic control. Though he was a physicist by education, his solid mathematical background obtained at the Moscow University, great intuition and the taste to setting up mathematically strict problems permitted him to formulate and solve the problems that determined the developments of these theories for many years. Thanks to his contributions, many physical problems obtained adequate mathematical formulations and interpretations. We note here auto-oscillations (generation, evolution, and synchronization), relaxation oscillations, singularly perturbed systems, mode competition and trapping, noise effects in a dynamical system, automatic regulators, and others.

He was also a great tutor and research guide for many scientists and students, creator of the world-known Gorky school of nonlinear oscillations, and co-author of several famous books which played an important role in training many generations of nonlinear scientists in the former Soviet Union and all over the world. These include "Theory of Oscillations" by Andronov, Vitt and Khaikin, two-volume "Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems on the Plane" and "Bifurcation Theory of Plane Systems" by Andronov, Leontovich, Gordon and Maier. Without any exaggeration we can say that Alexander Andronov was one of the scientists who formed the modern face of the theory of dynamical systems and nonlinear oscillations. His approaches to science and education, deep insight into the future progress of nonlinear science, as well as his bright personality will persists in the memory of his numerous pupils, followers, and all the people who value the science here in Nizhny Novgorod, in Russia, and abroad. So it is a great honor for us to head the Conference specially dedicated to his memory.

We also emphasize that Alexander Andronov was one of the founders of the Department of Radio Physics at the University of Nizhny Novgorod, former Gorky (in 1946) and one of its first bright lecturers. It was the first department in this field in the former Soviet Union, and until today it is one of the leading high schools in the field of radio physics and related fields (plasma physics, microwaves, quantum electronics, acoustics, electrical engineering, etc.).

Thus, our primary goal is to discuss the advance in nonlinear science at the end of the 20-th century and to remember the person who was one of the pioneers in this interdisciplinary field. We also hope that our Conference will be a step in reviving the tradition of the Gorky Schools in Nonlinear Waves held regularly from 1972 through 1989 that attracted leading 'nonlinear' scientists from all over the country and provided an educational and research link of scholarship in the field.

We are looking forward to presentations and discussions of the latest developments in nonlinear science and invite you to join the community in Nizhny Novgorod in July 2001.

Andrei V. Gaponov-Grekhov
Alexander F. Khokhlov
Conference Chairmen


First Announcement
10 November 2000
Response due
20 December 2000
Second Announcement and Call for Abstracts
10 January 2001
Deadline for Abstracts
1 March 2001
Authors Notification and Preliminary Program
1 April 2001


Contributed papers for oral and poster presentations will be selected by the Program Committees of the three Topical Conferences on the basis of the submitted abstracts. Full details regarding submission of abstracts will be given in the Second Announcement.


The registration fee of $ US 300 will cover social events and the Conference Abstracts.

The Pre-Registration form is enclosed with this Announcement. Please fill it in and return to the Organizing Committee before 20 December 2000 by e-mail.


The Conference will take place at the University of Nizhny Novgorod where Prof. Andronov worked from 1931 to 1952 and where his major contributions to science and education have been remembered and continued. He was also a key person in establishing here several new fields of basic research that gave a long-lasting generation of outstanding scholars. Since then the University of Nizhny Novgorod has been among the leading universities of Russia where high-level specialists are trained for research, education, and high technologies.

Nizhny Novgorod is the informal capital of the Volga-river region. It is situated on the picturesque hills overseeing the junction of two great rivers of the European part of Russia, the Volga and the Oka. Short boat tours and city sightseeing will be organized during the Conference.




Program Committee

D. V. Anosov, Russia
V. I. Arnold, Russia
A. A. Bolibrukh, Russia
B. Fiedler, Germany
J. Guckenheimer, USA
G. Iooss, France
C. K. T. R. Jones, USA
A. Katok, USA
V. V. Kozlov, Russia
L. M. Lerman, Russia
R. S. MacKay, UK
E. F. Mischenko, Russia
S. P. Novikov, Russia
J. Palis, Brazil
L. P. Shil'nikov, Russia - Chairman
C. Simo, Spain
Ya. G. Sinai, Russia
S. Smale, Hong Kong
S. van Strien, UK
F. Takens, The Netherlands
J. Yorke, USA

Conference Scope

Smooth dynamical systems
Strange attractors
Homoclinic bifurcations




Program Committee

A. A. Andronov, Jr., Russia
S. N. Bagaev, Russia
C. M. Bowden, USA
P. Corkum, Canada
J. H. Eberly, USA
N. Fisch, USA
R. Grimshaw, UK
Yu. M. Kagan, Russia
P. Kaw, India
O. A. Kocharovskaya, Russia
A. G. Litvak, Russia - Chairman
G. Mourou, USA
L. A. Ostrovsky, Russia
E. N. Pelinovsky, Russia
I. Prigogine, Belgium
O. V. Rudenko, Russia
M. O. Scully, USA
A. M. Sergeev, Russia
S. Svanberg, Sweden
V. I. Talanov, Russia
F. Wagner, Germany
V. E. Zakharov, Russia

Conference Scope

Nonlinear wave dynamics (solitons, vortices, coherent
and stochastic processes)
Microwave and laser sources of coherent radiation
Laser-plasma interactions
Transport processes in magnetically confined plasma
Nonlinear processes in condensed matter
Femtosecond optics
Nonlinearity in Bose-Einstein condensates
Nonlinear physics of the ocean and atmosphere
Nonlinear problems in astrophysics




Program Committee

H. D. I. Abarbanel, USA
V. S. Afraimovich, Russia
V. S. Anishchenko, Russia
V. N. Belykh, Russia
V. A. Brusin, Russia
P. Coullet, France
A. S. Dmitriev, Russia
V. Ebeling, Germany
Yu. I. Gorodetsky, Russia
M. Hasler, Switzerland
J. Kurths, Germany
G. A. Leonov, Russia
C. Mira, France
E. Mosekilde, Denmark
Yu. I. Neimark, Russia
V. I. Nekorkin, Russia
G. Nicolis, Belgium
Yu. G. Pollyak, Russia
V. P. Ponomarenko, Russia
M. I. Rabinovich, Russia - Chairman
V. D. Shalfeev, Russia
T. Saito, Japan
D. I. Trubetskov, Russia
M. G. Velarde, Spain
P. Weidman, USA

Conference Scope

Spatio-temporal dynamics
Pattern formation and cooperative phenomena
Complex systems
Biological systems
Economic and social behavior
Information aspects of neurodynamics


Local Organiznug Committee

R. G. Strongin, University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) - Chairman
Yu. N. Belyaev, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
A. A. Fraiman, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
O. N. Gorshkov, Research Physicotechnical Institute, UNN
S. N. Gurbatov, University of Nizhny Novgorod
V. B. Khorev, University of Nizhny Novgorod
V. V. Kocharovsky, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
T. I. Kovaleva, University of Nizhny Novgorod
L. M. Lerman, Research Institute for Applied Mathematics
and Cybernetics, UNN
A. G. Litvak, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
A. K. Lyubimov, University of Nizhny Novgorod
A. I. Malekhanov, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
V. P. Saveliev, University of Nizhny Novgorod
A. M. Sergeev, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
V. D. Shalfeev, University of Nizhny Novgorod
V. V. Sokolov, Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
Yu. G. Vasin, Research Institute for Applied Mathematics
and Cybernetics, UNN



Do you wish to participate in the Conference ? YES/NO:
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First and Middle Names:
Mailing Address:


Contact Addresses

For the Topical Conference
"Mathematical Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics":

Prof. Lev M. Lerman
Research Institute for Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, UNN
10 Ulyanov Str., 603600 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel: +7 (8312) 38 99 23
Fax: +7 (8312) 39 04 11

For the Topical Conference
"Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics":

Dr. Alexander I. Malekhanov
Institute of Applied Physics, RAS
46 Ulyanov Str., 603600 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 (8312) 36 78 04

For the Topical Conference
"Nonlinear Oscillations, Control and Information":

Prof. Vladimir D. Shalfeev
University of Nizhny Novgorod
23 Gagarin Ave., 603600 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel: +7 (8312) 65 62 42
Fax: +7 (8312) 36 72 91

On-line pre-registration is also possible at the Conference Web Site:

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