Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук
Новосибирский научный центр



The public bulletin board is a part of the web portal of the Siberian Branch. It is provided to publish announcements on all important events in the life of the research community and in the work of the Academic Network of the Siberian Branch..

Current and past announcements and adverts are stored in separate directories in the bulletin board. Announcements and adverts are archived automatically when they expire if they retain a value for the research community after the expiration. Types of adverts.

Types of adverts

All adverts are classified according to the following categories:

  1. Competitions and Funding opportunities
  2. Conference and workshop announcements
  3. News items
  4. News of the Electronic Library
  5. News of the Academic Network of the Siberian Branch
  6. News on this portal
  7. Documents and official resolutions
  8. Miscellany
  9. Events in the Siberian Branch
  10. Classified ads
By default all new adverts are assigned to the category 8 (Miscellany). Principles of the bulletin board functionality.

Principles of the bulletin board functionality

Every new item (an announcement or an advert) is validated by the Administrator. If the item had been validated successfully or the necessary corrections had been made, it is published on the bulletin board. When the item is published the Originator is notified by electronic mail.

When an item expires or on the decision of the Administrator it may either be deleted or moved into the Archives. In either case, the Originator is notified by electronic mail.

If an item is going to be relevant for a prolonged period of time, then after the expiration it may be moved onto a special page. In this case the item is deleted from the list of current items and from the Archives, but remains in the list of all documents. This usually applies to official documents.

At any time the Originator of an item may modify it.

Remark: The fields of the database may contain any symbols including hypertext markup, but may not contain ['] - the single quote. Apostrophe [`] can be used instead.

Note: Users having problems filling in the electronic forms, may submit their adverts and announcements by electronic mail to the following address: www@www-sbras.nsc.ru with Subject
Please report all problems to the Administrator.

Detailed Description of the database fields

  1. Record identifier (id): is automatically assigned to each database record and is used as a primary key in the database. If an HTML file is submitted to accompany an item it is stored with the name id.html id.html.

  2. Item title: the title is shown on all pages with a reference to the item. The length of the title is restricted to 255 characters. This field is indexed for keyword search.

  3. Quick summary: a quick summary follows the title. For instance, in a conference announcement the quick summary field may contain the place and dates of the conference. The length of the field is restricted to 255 characters. The field is indexed for keyword search.

  4. URL Further information: the further information field may contain a URL of a resource with additional information on the subject of the advert. This field is used if there was no accompanying HTML file submitted.

  5. Name of the Originator: the name of the originator is used for all correspondence from the Administrator. The field is shown if additional information is not available or is submitted as a plain text. The name is also shown if there is a reference to an external resource in the item. This field is indexed for keyword search.

  6. Originating organization: the name of the originating organization is used for the correspondence from the Administrator. The field is shown if additional information is not available or is submitted as a plain text. The name is also shown if there is a reference to an external resource in the item. This field is indexed for keyword search.

  7. Originator's e-mail address: the address is used for the correspondence from the Administrator. This contents of the field is shown if additional information is not available or is submitted as a plain text.

  8. Full text of the item: this text is shown if additional information is submitted as a text file. This field is indexed for keyword search.

  9. Type of the content: this field indicates in what form is the additional information submitted. The values of this field may be either no additional information, or an HTML file, or plain text. Additional information is indexed for keyword search only if it is submitted as a plain text.

  10. Type of advert: this field indicates to which category from the list presented in section 2 the advert should be assigned.

  11. Expiry date: the date after which the item is removed from the list of current items. On expiry all items are automatically transferred to the Archives or manually deleted by the Administrator. The Originator is notified by electronic mail.

  12. Access password: the password is used to identify the Originator for subsequent modifications during the whole time span while the item is stored in the database. Access password is used as a key for editing. In order to find an item for editing the Originator has to supply the complete password and at least one letter from the Name.

  13. Validity flag: when an item is submitted to the Bulletin Board the validity flag is automatically cleared. It can be set only by the Administrator. The originator is notified by electronic mail of the changes of this field. Only items with the validity flag set will be shown.

  14. Archival flag: the archival flag is set by the Administrator when an item expires. The originator is notified by email.

  15. Submission date: the date of submission is set automatically.

  16. Event date: the date is specified by the Originator. This field is used to order adverts and announcements and in qualified search.

  17. Keywords: a list of space separated keywords. The length is limited to 255 symbols. This field is indexed for keyword search.

  18. Comments: this information is seen only by the Administrator. Any comments regarding the presentation of the item can be stored here.

|События в СО РАН| |Постановления Президиума и нормативные документы| |Конференции и совещания| |Конкурсы и гранты| |Новости на сервере| |Новости в сети СО РАН| |Новости| |Разное| |Новости Электронной библиотеки СО РАН| |Частные объявления|
|Доска объявлений| |Поиск|

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© 1996-2025, Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук, Новосибирск
© 1996-2025, Институт вычислительных технологий СО РАН, Новосибирск
    Дата последней модификации: 14-Mar-2006 (10:54:30)