The International Conference
"Algebra and its applications"

Krasnoyarsk, August 5-9, 2002



The International Conference
"Algebra and its applications"
(Krasnoyarsk, August 5-9, 2002) is

devoted to the
70th anniversary of the birth of professor V.P. Shunkov

and 65th anniversary of the birth of professor V.M. Busarkin,

who are the founders and longstanding leaders
of Krasnoyarsk algebraic school.

The conference is organized by: It will be held in Krasnoyarsk State University. The official languages of conference are russian and english.

Items for Discussion:

Schedule of conference:


The conference programm includes sightseeing tours and an excurtion to famous Krasnoyarsk "Stolby". Those interested can be offered an exotic rafting down-stream the Mana river trip for three days prior to the commencement of the conference (August 1-3). A tour firm will refund a part of the trip expenses for food, tents and sleeping bags.

Programm Committee:

Ershov Yu.L. chairman
Adian S.I.
Bludov V.V.
Glukhov M.M.
Goncharov S.S.
Droste M.
Kazarin L.S.
Kegel O.
Levchuk V.M.
Mazurov V.D.
Makhnev A.A.
Mikhalev A.V.
Olshanskii A.Yu.
Pogorelov B.A.
Romanovskii A.Yu.
Rybakov V.V.
Stroth G.
Sushchyansky W.I.
Khukhro E.I.
Chernikov N.S.
Shemetkov L.A.
Shestakov I.P.

Organizing Committee:

Podufalov N.D. chairman
Golovanov M.I.
Gorchakov Yu.M.
Durakov B.K.
Zyubin S.A. scientific secretary
Kytmanov A.M.
Levchuk V.M. vice-chairman
Mazurov V.D. vice-chairman
Mayer V.R.
Sapozhnikov V.A.
Senashov V.I. scientific secretary
Sozutov A.I.
Timofeenko A.V.
Chubarov I.A.
Shaidurov V.V.
Shokin Yu.I.

Submit and Registration:

You are to present your Abstracts (1 page in LaTeX) by June 20, 2002
in electronic form by E-mail or by usual post according to the Organizing Committee mailing address:
Russia, 660041, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnii avenue, 79,
Krasnoyarsk State University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics.
To S.A. Zyubin, Scientific secretary of the Conference "Algebra and its applications".

Important Dates:

20.06.02 Notification of acceptance
04.08.02 Arrival
05.08.02-09.08.02 Sessions
10.08.02 Departure


Last update page 6.08.2002


© 1996-2000, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
© 1996-2000, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk