Информационная система "Конференции"

8th European Multigrid Conference on Multigrid, Multilevel and Multiscale Methods

Scheveningen, The Netherlands, September 27 - 30, 2005

Даты проведения:27.09.2005 - 30.09.2005
URL: http://pcse.tudelft.nl/emg2005/index.php


This conference is devoted to dissimination of recent advances and ideas concerning multigrid, multilevel and multiscale methods. Multigrid methods are generally accepted as being the fastest numerical methods for the solution of elliptic partial differential equations. Furthermore, they are regarded as among the fastest methods for many other problems like other types of partial differential equations, integral equations etc.

If the multigrid idea is generalized to other structures than grids, one obtains multilevel, multiscale or multi-resolution methods, which can successfully be used also for very different types of problems, e.g. problems characterized by matrix structures, particle structures etc.

A broad range of problems in the sciences and engineering require multiscale modeling and simulation techniques, because of the range of scales involved and the prohibitively large number of variables implied by a monoscale approach.

Multigrid, multilevel and multiscale methods are interrelated in various ways. Therefore the conference aims to bring researchers in these fields together.

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Dec-2007 (10:04:55)