1. İnaç S., Görücü Ö., Eker Ö. Research on anthropogenic forest fires and sustainable forest resource management in Turkey

  2. Abrarova A., Vafin R.V., Putenikhin V.P. Douglas-fir – perspective coniferous introduced tree for planting of high productive stands

  3. Bakulin V. Gigantic poplar trees in Siberia

  4. Barchenkov A.P. Morphological features variability of Gmelina larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) in Eastern Siberia

  5. Barsukova A.V., Tretyakova I.N. Microclonal propagation of siberian larch (larix sibirica ledeb) by somatic embryogenesis (abstract in russian)

  6. Belokon M., Belokon Yu., Politov D. Mating system and allozyme heterozygosity dynamics in dwarf siberian pine, pinus pumila (pall.) regel, populations

  7. Belokon Y., Belokon M., Politov D., Petrova E., Goroshkevich S. Genetic differentiation of dwarf siberian pine, pinus pumila (pall.) regel, populations from the pacific region

  8. Bolonin I.P..Kulakov V.E..Rogovtsev R.V. A single calculation of objects of a unified genetic-selective complex in the forest resources of the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions

  9. Bondarev A.Ya., Kalchenko L.I. О состоянии объектов ЕГСК в Алтайском крае. Перспективы.

  10. Boronnikova S., Svetlskova T., Boboshina I. Molecular-genetic analysis Populus Tremola L on the basis of polymorphism IRAP and ISSR markers (abstract in russian)

  11. Bratilova N. Рост и семеношение потомства черемховской популяции кедра сибирского в Северосаянском лесосеменном районе (abstract in russian)

  12. Cherepanova O., Petrova I. About diagnostic characters of P. sylvestris L. (abstract in russian)

  13. Chernov G.N. Experience of creation and problems of development of unified genetic and selection complex in Siberia

  14. Dragavtsev V.A., Kocherina N. Принципы экспрессной оценки генотипической изменчивости прироста в лесных популяциях и индивидуальных генотипических отклонений (abstract in russian)

  15. Efimov V.M., Tarakanov V.V., Rogovtcev R.V. Effect of geographical origin on pine growth rate under environmental conditions of the mid-ob boreal forest

  16. Eker Ö., İnaç S., Görücü Ö. The investigation of forest crimes from the perspectives of forest and genetic resource and rural development in Turkey

  17. Görücü Ö., Eker Ö., İnaç S. The impact of high plateau activities on forest protection and socio-economic environment

  18. Glotov N. What gives the analysis of structure of variability of on attribute? (abstract in russian)

  19. Goroshkevich S.N. Modern Forest Management System Destroyed Genetic Resources of Siberian Stone Pine (Pinus sibirica): Who is Guilty and What to Be Done?

  20. Goroshkevich S.N., Petrova E.A. , D.V. Politov, O.G. Bender, A.P. Zotikova, M.M. Belokon*, A.G. Popov, G.V. Vasilieva, O.V. Khutornoy, Yu.S. Belokon Interspecific Hybridization and Reticulate Evolution in 5-needle Pines of Northern and Eastern Asia

  21. Hantemirova E. V., Semerikov V. L. Genetic variation in populations of juniperus communis l.

  22. Hantemirova E.V. Genetic variation of Juniperus communis L. (abstract in russian)

  23. Heinze B., Fussi B. A first look at aspen (populus tremula) phylogeography across Eurasia

  24. Iroshnikov A. The analysis posterities of a larch Siberian (abstract in russian)

  25. Iroshnikov A. Formation of forest breeding and protection of biological diversity in Russia

  26. Iroshnikov A.,Tvelenev M. Experimental objects cedar pains in Dimiyrovsky a forest area (abstract in russian)

  27. Ivanov V.V. Siberian linden (tilia sibirica bayer) under the Novosibirsk environmental stress: condition and seed productivity

  28. Kalchenko L., Tarakanov V. Gradual passportisation of trees in pine clone orchards using the methods of phenetics

  29. Kanash E.V., Osipov Yu.A. Optical criteria for contact and remote diagnostics of phytocoenosis

  30. Kashkarov E., Tarakanov S., Sofronov A., Fes’kov V. Rhythms of transgressions and localization of tree species conservation

  31. Kirichenko N., Yuri Baranchikov, Maria Tomoshevich, Marc Kenis Botanical gardens as model systems to study resistance of alien woody plants to native pests and diseases

  32. Knyazeva S. Intraspecific variability of Juniperus communis L.

  33. Knyazeva S.G., Muratova E.N. Karyological review of Gymnosperms on the base the database

  34. Krutovsky K.V. Forest tree genomics and new genotyping technologies to study adaptive genetic variation in forest tree populations

  35. Kucherov S.E., Muldashev A.A. The tree radial growth in the zone of the 1908 Tunguska event

  36. Kuzmin S.R., Kuzmina N.A. The influence of geographical origin on Scots pine growth

  37. Kuzmina N.A., Kuzmin S.R., Ponomareva T.V., Kuznetsova G.V. The response of conifers to soil moisture change: experiment results

  38. Kuznetsova E.A. Shoot structure variation of siberian stone pine (pinus sibirica du tour) along the latitudinal profile: ex situ research

  39. Kuznetsova G.V. Growth, state and development of siberian pines in provenance trial in the Krasnoyarsk krai south

  40. Kuznetsova G.V. , Makarikova R., Naumova N.B. , Kutsenogy K.P., Chankina O.V. The effect of pine climatypes on soil chemical propeties in the western Sayany Region of Russia

  1. Kvitko O.V., Bazhina E.V., Muratova E.N. Abies sibirica cytogenetic peculiarities in high West Sayan Mountaions disrutbed ecosystems

  2. Larionova A.Y., Ekart A.K. Genetic diversity and differentiation of swamp populations pine

  3. Laur N. V., Tsarev A. P. Forest seed base of Karelia - from development to stagnation?

  4. Makarov V.P. Correlation dependence of conditions of the habitat with attributes vegetative and generative signs of larch gmelina in East Transbaikalia

  5. Makhnev A.K. Problems of allocation and conservation of forest genetic reserves in areas of large industrial center in the Urals

  6. Makhneva N.E., Makhnev A.K. Prospects for conservation of biological diversity in forest genetic reserves

  7. Matveeva R.N., Butorova O.F. Formed collections of cedar pines in SibSTU

  8. Milyutin L.I. The international significance of Siberian forest genetic resources

  9. Milyutin L.I. , Makarikova R., Naumova N.B. , Barchenkov A. P. , Kutsenogyi K.P. The effect of larch climatypes on chemical propeties of grey wooded soil

  10. Molorodov Y.I. Database development of botanical diversity

  11. Muratova E.N., Karpjuk T.V., Sedelnikova T.S., Kvitko O.V. В-chromosome of conifers (case studies on the genus picea representatives)

  12. Naumova N.B. The effect of Scots pine clymaypes on soil microbil communities
  13. Noskova N.E., Tretyakova I.N. Scotch pine reproduction under global change of climate and strategy paths for preservation the species

  14. Novikova T.N. The influence of origin on survival and height of scots pine in the provenance trial in the West Transbaikalie

  15. Nurgaliev I.S. Space Technologies in Forestry and Forestry Education

  16. Oduntan R.A. Conservation of forest biological diversity and forest genetic resources

  17. Oreshkova N.V. Genetic differentiation of siberian larсh (larix sibirica ledeb.) in Middle Siberia

  18. Palenova M. A wood genetic variety in the international processes


  20. Petrova E.A., Velisevich S.N., Politov D.V., Belokon M.M., Belokon Yu.S., Goroshkevich S.N. Distribution of allozyme variation in siberian stone pine: three levels of diversity

  21. Petrova I.V., Sannikov S.N. Genetic differentiation of plain and mountain populations of scotch pine

  22. Pleshanov A.S., Pleshanova G.I. Japanese elm – Ulmus japonica (Rehd.) Sarg, in geothermal refugium of Pribaikal’ye

  23. Polezhaeva M. Variation of cytoplasmic markers and history of larches of Far East

  24. Politov D., Belokon M., Belokon Yu., Maluchenko O., Goroshkevich S. Genetic structure of populations of dwarf siberian pine in russian part of species range

  25. Popov A.G., Goroshkevich S.N. The initial introduction of closely-related pine species on the south part of Western Siberia

  26. Prokazin A. Итоги инвентаризации объектов сохранения генетического фонда лесов Российской Федерации (abstract in russian)

  27. Prokazin A., Schegunova N. Results of lumpsum inventory of objects of preservation of genetic fund of woods of Russia

  28. Putenikhin V.P. Forest genetic reserves of conifers in Bashkortostan Republic

  29. Sakovich D. Opportunity of introduction of some winter-hardy ornamental shrubs in condition or the forest-steppe zone of the Wester Siberia

  30. Sannikov S. Ecological catastrophes, stability and microevolution

  31. Sannikov S.N., Egorov E.V., Petrova I.V., Sannikova N.S. Allozymic polymorphism of central and marginal insular populations of PINUS SYLVESTRIS L.

  32. Savelyev S.S. Seeds productivity of hybrid cones of Siberian pine at clonal plantation of West- Sayan experimental forestry (abstract in russian)

  33. Semerikova S.A., Berkutenko A.N. Genetic variation of the relict fir Abies gracilis Kom. population in Kamchatka

  34. Semerikova S.A., Semerikov V.L The structure of mitochondrial DNA variation in sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis (Fr. Schmidt) Masters) as indication of the hybridization processes

  35. Sheykina O.V., Prohorova A.A, Prohorova E.V. Indentification of fir plus tree clones based on clone archiv in Mary El Republic

  36. Smolin A., Boronnikova S., Koroleva J. Microclone duplication of deciduous kinds of trees for plantation cultivation with the puprose ot preservation of natural woods (abstract in russian)

  37. Tarakanov V.V., Naumova N.B., Milyutin L.I., Koutzenogii K.P., Chankina O.V., Makarikova R.P., Efimov V.M., Kuzmina N.A., Novikova T.N., Tarasova V.V Geochemical manifestation of genetic heterogeneity in populations of conifer target species (abstract in russian)

  38. Tikhonova I. Some problems of evaluation of Scots Pine Population Diversity

  39. Titov E. Realization of the selection program of the cedar siberianon seed efficiency in Mountain Altai (abstract in russian)

  40. Tretyakova I.N., Barsukova A.V. Gene pool Preservation of Siberian conifers by somatic embryogenesis – modern method of biotechnology (abstract in russian)

  1. Trubina L., Ivanova J. Some approaches for determination of trees plantations quantitative characteristics

  2. Trufanov E.V. Influence of weather conditions on seed yield dynamics of natural populations and seed orchards of Scots pine in Altay region

  3. Tsakov H. Ecological and silvicultural characteristics of natural coniferous dendrocoenoses in Rila-Pirin region

  4. Tsarev A.P., Tsareva R. P., Tsarev V. A. Growth dynamics of Eupopulus poplars by many years testing

  5. Vasilieva G.V., Popov A.G. Prospects of arising novel species from hybridization between Siberian stone pine and Japanese stone pine

  6. Vidjakin A. Evalaution of plus-selection effeciency of pine and spruce

  7. Vidjakin A. Population as an elementary constituent part that keeps genetic sustainability of forests

  8. Yu. N. Ilyichev The prospects of selection of siberian cedar plus trees

  9. Zarina I., Gailis A. Genetic resources of latvian forest trees

  10. Zemlyanoy A.I. The peculiarities of genetic processes in the populations of “primeval” cedar-forests located within kyginski refugium

  11. Zhiltsova S. Betula pubescence Ehrh. forms differentiated in bark type in bog populaitions between the rivers Ob` and Tom`.