Alexandrov A. H., Pandeva D. I.
Forest Research Institute – Sofia,
The separate parts of
The presence of several macro-biomes
on this continent - tundra, taiga, deciduous forests of the moderate zone,
forest steppes, Mediterranean sclerophillic forests
and semi-deserts, determines the existence of large number forest tree and
shrub species. Their genetic resources are of great economic importance for
Many European mountains as Alps,
Pyrenees, Carpathians, Rila and Rhodopes,
Balkan Range, and
The sustainable management of forest
ecosystems with respect to modern silviculture
requires conservation of genetic resources in situ and ex situ
along with controlled exchange of reproductive materials.
On the base of Ministerial
Conference on Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE), in
1) conifers;
2) temperate oaks and
3) noble
4) black
poplar; and
5) Mediterranean oaks.
During the third phase (2005-2009)
three species-oriented networks:
1) conifers;
2) scattered
3) stand-forming broadleaves
and one thematic network:
4) forest
were established.
As result
of EUROGEN activities technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use of
practically all valuable forest tree species in