Ecological-GENETICal VARIABILITY of the ISOLATED POPULATIONS of SCOTS PINE ON SOUTHERN bounders of natural habitat Areal


V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Russia,


The date of paleobotanical researches of Holocene peat depositions and more ancient layers show that an area border of Scots pine have noticeably varied during different climatic epochs (Pyavchenko, 1965; Savin, 1982; Koschkarova, 1986, 2002). The periods of essential displacement of climatic zones (up to 1-3 thousand km) when vegetative cover was exposed   almost to full extermination and revived for the expansion of plants from the south were founded  (Koschkarova, 2001). In this relation geographical and ecological isolated populations on the south of Siberia are represented the big scientific and practical interest as  possible genetic reservations of species to the periods of extreme climatic regression.

The purpose of the present research was the studying of ecologo-genetic   polymorphism of some isolated populations of a pine in the south of Middle Siberia: schirinsky (Khakasia), minusinsky (the south of Krasnoyarsk region) and balgazinsky (Tuva). As far as  Yenisei river pool unites three populations it is possible that they have common origin and  genofund. 

S.A.Mamaev's (1973) O.A.Filipchenko’s (1978) approaches and examples of using of multivariate methods of the analysis in population biology (V.M.Schmidt (1984), P.V.Terentyev and N.S.Rostovoj (1977), and (Jivotovsky, 1991; Schemberg, 1986; Menitsky, 1971, etc.) were served as methodical basis. Own original approaches to application of combinations of traditional analysis methods  are offered to obtain additional information on character of the treats integrated variability and adaptive potential of populations. To estimate  sensitivity and norm of reaction of trees tree-rings chronologies and dendro-chronological methods of the analysis were used. The results of investigation of  pine artificial plantations in Shirinsky steppe were involved to support thesis about importance of natural populations biodiversity protection as major factor of their sustainability.

The main results of ten years observation are:

1. The data of the comparative analysis of population phenotypic structure. The high phenotypic diversity and increasing of growth correlations of dwarfish pines were found and also structurally functional unity of populations which are not broken by inclusion to the analysis of undersized individuals was noted. It was established a connection of phenotypic diversity with a state of artificial plantations in Sirinsky steppe.

2. The spectrum of morphological forms of  pine trees on the basis of an estimation of treats integrated variability was revealed.

3. Individual variability of sensitivity and adaptive norm of reaction of  pine populations was estimated. The correlation of tree sensitivity to climate changes with a sex is appreciated. Dynamics of sexual structure of populations and its reaction on climatic factors was shown.

  * The work was partially supported by RFBR and KKSF  ¹ 07-04-96808