Iroshnikov A.I.,1
2Botanical Garden UO RAS,
Genetic resources of forest woody
plants, which are a part of biosphere diversity, must be conserved according to
the current legislation. In
Acceptance of the federal law “About
Especially Protected Natural Territories” (¹33-FZ, 14.03.1995) doesn’t settle the matter about expediency
of functioning of the “Regulations about Conservation of Woody Species Gene
Pool in Russian Forests”, as the available nature reserves and other Especially
Protected Natural Territories (EPNT) don’t include all the biodiversity and don’t take account of intraspecific differentiation of woody plants gene pool
with wide area. At the same time the absence in the list of EPNT of such
category as “forest genetic reserves”(the main
conservation form of gene pool woody plants species in regions where the corresponding EPNT haven’t been isolated) is a formal reason
for factual stopping of work on gene pool conservation for the last 10 years
and delay of approval of a new reading of the “Regulations”, represented to MNR
RF in 2005. An author association suggestions about additions to the federal
law about EPNT and ”Forest Code” were ignored by State
Effectiveness of measures on
conservation and reproduction of variety of forest ecosystems and forest woody
plant species depends on the degree of knowledge of processes running in their
population gene pools under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors
(revealed during monitoring within special programmes
with use of high-informative markers).
The sphere of genetic monitoring of
forest woody plants includes: study of species inhabitant subdivision within
their area on some isolated by genotypic content local populations;
determination of the centres (refuges) of genotypic
and phenotypic polymorphism and regions with heightend
frequency of mutant, polyploid and hybrid genotypes;
watching a genom reaction and, respectively,
phenotype of individuals and their progeny to specific natural and technogenic effects on different ontogenesis stages; examination
of “cleanness” of breeding and seed-forming objects and selected material as
well as the level of genotype elimination in gene banks; control of population
rehabilitation with degenerated gene pool.
Objects of genetic monitoring are:
virgin and natural forests, derivative generations of primary forest formers,
appeared on felled and fire areas and other disturbed earths from limited
number of trees-founders; stands, growing in zones of technogenic,
radioactive and invasion species pollution; artificial stands, established both
from local seeds and seeds from other regions; forest-seed and mother
plantations, clone archives, genotype collections in progeny trials, seed and
tissue banks; subpopulations and trees-indicators actively and/or specifically
reacting on different effects.
For stopping of biosphere
degradation “change of strategy of Man and Nature Interaction” (Altukhov, 2004,
p.58) as well as overcoming of the
“tendency to make legislative acts and programmes for effect, ecological incompetentness… of the society, absence of long-term strategic planning and
forecasting” (Chereshnev, 2004, p.279-281) are