Population genetic structure of Siberian larch as an evidence of the history of present distribution

Semerikov V.L.

Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Division of RAS

8Марта Str., 202, 620144 Ekaterinburg, Russia


Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Siberian larch populations was investigated using five PCR based markers resulting in 29 mitotypes. Studied populations presenting all main parts of the species area form a few geographic groups distinguishable according to the haplotype composition. Presumably these groups correspond to migration zones of the larch spreading out of the individual refugia during post glacial forest recolonization. These zones are:

1) Western part of the Siberian larch range (corresponding to Sukaczew larch) with the glacial refugium located in the Urals.

2) Altai and Tien-Shan Mts with the supposed refugium in the Altai Mts.

3) Area around southern part of the Baikal Lake with refugium located in Khabar-Daban Mts.

4) Territory around Sajan Mts with the refugia possibly located in the foothills of Sajan.

5) Northern Siberia possibly colonized by the larch spreading from Sajan and Baikal areas.

Marked heterogeneity in the geographic distribution of the mitotypes in the north of Siberia suggests that post glacial migration was not single stage and different refugia took part in the colonization of the northern Siberia during different stages of this process.

Research was supported by Russian Fund of Basic Research (project 04-04-48604).