Petrova E.A. 1, Goroshkevich S.N.
1, Politov D.V. 2, Belokon M.M. 2,
Popov A.G. 1, Vasilieva U.V. 1
Institute of monitoring of Climatic and
Ecological systems, Tomsk, Russia,
N.I. Vavilov’s Institute of general genetics, Russia, Moscow
Natural hybridization is thoroughly
studied in forest tree species. In Russia, natural hybridization
between different species within genus
Picea, and Larix, that similar in
morphological and ecological traits, was investigated and reported. For Russian
Stone pines that ranges are overlapped the ecological and morphological
differences more expressed. The aim of the study is comparative analysis of
seed productivity, genetic variation and mating structure in Siberian Stone
Pine, Siberian Dwarf Pine and natural hybrids in northeastern part of Baikal
region. Two sites in Baikal lakeside were examined in this study: Barguzin
Biosphere Natural Reserve, Davsha bight (BR) (P. sibirica forest stand with scattered P. pumila), and delta of Upper Angara (DUA) (swamped area, P. pumila dominated and P. sibirica occurred rarely). In both
studied sites there was natural hybridization between the stone pine species,
the number of hybrids was approximately 5 plants per hectare. Cone and seed
sizes in hybrids were intermediate relative to parental species. At all stages
of generative cycle from seed scale differentiation to embryo differentiation
the hybrids had sufficiently higher rate of mortality and underdevelopment of
reproductive structure compare to pure species. At the same time, fertility of
hybrids in DUA was some higher than it was previously determined - according to
our data approximately 25% of ovules developed into valid seeds with
differentiated embryos. Genotypes of adult trees and their embryos, including 48
interspecific hybrids were determined by means of 31 allozyme loci controlling
18 enzyme systems. For most loci the hybrids had intermediate allele
frequencies relative to P. pumila and
P. sibirica samples that confirmed
hybrid nature of these trees. All hybrids were heterozygous at diagnostic Skdh-2 locus. In the site where P. sibirica
dominated 27% of P. pumila seeds were sired by P. sibirica but no P. pumila
specific alleles were found in Siberian Stone Pine seeds embryos genotypes. In
the site with alternative ratio of pure species only 1,4% of P. sibirica seeds had P. pumila paternal contribution, all P. pumila seeds were sired by the same
species pollen. Studying of hybrids mating structure demonstrates that main portion
of their embryos had paternal contribution from parental species dominated in
the site and second species sired 13-14% of embryos. Portion of hybrid pollen
in effective pollen pool of hybrid seeds in DUA was 13% that is fourfold
compare to BR.
It was shown that hybrids take part in pollination of pure species rarely
occurred in the sites. We conclude that natural hybrids are fertile and
produced seeds and pollen in different types of mixed P. sibirica - P. pumila stands.
Our results confirm the possibility of backcrosses and F2 hybrids existence and
demonstrate that at least initial stages of introgressive hybridization take place
in the studied mixed stands of the two stone pine species. Sufficient fertility
of hybrid plants in some sites of hybrid zone attests of its fitness and allows
supposing an evolutionary perspective of the novelty in plant kingdom.