identification of highly hereditable ‘chemical’ variables-components IN
SCOTS pine populations
1Efimov V.M, 2Tarakanov V.V, 3Naumova
N.B, 1Kovaleva V.Y.,
4Kutsenogyi K.P, 3Makarikova R. P, 4Chankina O.V.
Institute of Ecology and Systematics of
Animals, SB RAS,
West-Siberian Office Of the Forestry Institute,
Recently the methods of multivariate statistical
analysis have been successfully employed for studying the role of genetic
factors in the variability of natural populations. The multivariate genetic
analysis of quantitative traits has been rapidly developing since the first
half of the 20th century.
C. Smith and L. Hazel
solved the problem of estimating the adaptive hereditability of random linear
combination of variables in the multidimensional space by means of phenotypic
and genetic correlations. Besides that,
they also raised and solved the problem of searching for the linear
combination, maximally responsive to selection. R. Lande introduced the genetic
matrix G – a multivariate analogue of the
coefficient of hereditability
between parents and offspring. So the multivariate analogue of the
hereditability coefficient was written in a matrix form as H = GP-1, where P is a phenotypic matrix of correlations between traits,
and a so called “selectionists’s equation” ∆µ = GP-1s, where s stands for a selection differential, and ∆µ represents the response to selection.
If the data about genetic correlations are absent,
then the analysis may be reduced to the analysis of variables with high
hereditability in a broad sense. R. Fisher and C. Smith laid the basics for
such approach. For a case of several groups Fisher suggested to use the
discriminant analysis, i.e. to search for the linear combination of variables
that maximizes the ratio of between–group and total variance. If groups
represent different clones, the problem automatically turns into the one of
maximizing hereditability in a broad sense.
Identification of highly hereditable
variables-components may be employed for genetic selection of woody plants. A
useful experimental model to test and develop the approach is provided by the
data about elemental composition of needles and soils from the long-term Scots
pine field plantation. Detailed
description of material and methods are provided by the authors elsewhere.
We applied the above-mentioned statistical approach to
the analysis of elemental composition of winter needles. After analysis
distribution and hereditability patterns we were left with the following set of
elements: K, Ca, Mn, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Pb, Fe. Then the whole set was
analysed by principal components’ extraction. Each principal component we
considered to be a new variable and calculated the hereditability coefficient Í
So the applied
statistical approach was shown to be quite efficient.
The study was supported by SBRAS Integration grant 5.23 and RFBR grant 07-04-01714-a.