Iroshnikov A.I., Svintsova V.S., Spesivtseva V.I., Tvelenev M.V.

Research Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding, Russia, Voronezh, Ilgis@lesgen vrn.ru


Side by side with typical spectrum of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) phenotypes in the zone of optimum growing of the species in the West Sayan in the1960s there were revealed  rare mutant forms with stable anomalies in the development of female generative organs: with a very high number of empty or underdeveloped seeds, with endosperm, forming (without germs) during the year of pollination – with “chimeric” cone development in crown (with one-year, two-year and mixed cycles). Forms with accelerative development of female cones were put down to the Red Book of Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Representative net of provenance and progeny trials as well as clone archives in Dmitrovski Forestry Enterprise, Moscow region (in the zone of fir-deciduous forests of Klin-Dmitrovsk ridge), established in the 1970s, allowed to preserve an part of the revealed mutant forms, to widen the information about frequency of occurrence of similar genotypes in the progenies of other local populations,  to carry out systematic observations of display of character complex on different stages of their ontogenesis on uniform ecological background with carrying out of multivariant artificial crossings. The results of this stage come to the following.

There were revealed 6 individuals with accelerated development of female cones in the provenance trials from Turochak region, Altai and (¹¹864 and 839) in halb-sib tree progenies from Sayan population. The clones of the individuals from West Sayan with abnormal female cone development (¹¹810, 812, 5-22) preserve mother trees character. For a part of individuals with abnormally accelerated cone development (Turochak -1, Kiga -2) a high level of formation of brachyblasts with 6-7  (and sometimes 8-9) needles on sprays during ontogenesis, as well as of abnormal brancting is characteristic. Moreover for 6-8 coniferons brachyblasts the following is typical: pronounced change of needle form, decrease  of the area of conducting cylinder and stoma size; unstable number of resin ducts, amplification of lignification of mechanical tissues and others.

Heightened receptivity of trees (especially ¹¹864, 839) with accelerated cycle of cone development to pathogenes was pointed out.

Abnormal development of the structures off male generative sphere was observed in a month after completion of meiosis. It manifests in accelerated growth and development of all macrostrobile elements (seed and cover scales, ovula). In 2 months after pollination these elements have anatomical, morphological and cytological characters, showing the completion of their  ontogenesis (structure sizes, the levels of differentiation of female gametophyte, including the cells of archegonial complex). Structural and functional barriers for syngamy and zygote forming, attributed by discrepancy between the development rates of the structures of male and female generative sphere  appear. Pollen tubes are found diped in the zone of destructive nucellus tissue. It causes collapse of male gametophyte before the completion of its ontogenesis and forming of seeds without germs with one-year development of macrostrobila.

Artificial pollination of trees ¹864 and Kamga-1(mainly with mixed type of cone development) in 2006 confirmed stability of the cone development characters, restricted to these individuals. These was pointed out differentiated influence of some pollinators on survival of macrostrobila during the crossing year (for 28.10.2006) both in abnormal and typical trees.

A vital task is to preserve unique individuals of Siberian stone pine in situ and especially ex situ and to study their genom on the basis of high-informative markers.