Phenogenetic variability of the linear increment in Scotch pine: Study of genotype peculiarities as a programme of individual development

Isakov Yu.

NFSUE Research institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding, Russia,


Study of phenotypical variability of vegetative characters in woody plants showed insuffiency of use of genetic and statistical parameters, following from the model of polygenic determination of quantitative characters (K. Mather & J. Jinks, 1985). Restriction of the model is caused by reflection of only one side of quantitative character manipulation – variability in space and it does not take account of another one – change in time (in dynamics). The latter within this models carried out deductively by extrapolation data of static series into time ones. If we suppose, that the basis for the development of the model were ideas about structural gene work, then the hereditary factors, conforming to expression and regulation of the gene work did not find reflection in it.

The aim of the investigations is development of approaches for genotype study as a programme of evolution that's why the subject of the study was phenogenetic variability of linear increment – the part of its phenotypical variability, connected with the process of individual tree development. Pine linear increment has a strictly fixed by years metamer age variability. That is very convenient for carrying out of investigations.

The work was carried out on the constant forest seed plots and progeny trials of Scotch pine, established with the progeny of randomly selected trees.

There was studied variability of ontogenesis periods with the help of the complex of statistic methods. In the result there was detected ambiguity of the changes in ontogenesis of genetic and statistic parameters. It points to genetic step-type behaviour of the development of linear increment. There was revealed the age period (10-22 years) within which tree genetic potentials are displayed. This period of ontogenesis of young pine trees is taken for the basis in the subsequent investigations.

For the study of the display of morphological peculiarities in linear increment development it is necessary to exclude genotypic and environmental variability effect. It was achieved by the analysis of metamer of variability of the character within an individual tree and in the same for all tree sampling ontogenesis period.

During the analysis of phenogenetic increment variability there was used the model of time (dynamic) series and its decompositions into deterministic and residual components. The differences of the trajectory of linear increment development in ontogenesis where studied by by multiple correlation analyses ("S"-technics). Convolution of information was carried out by original method allowing to reveal epigenetic component of phenotypic variability – similarily degree of their growth dynamics. Perspectivility of such approach is confirmed by experimental data.

1. Interaction analysis genotype-environment in seed progeny allowed to determine a group character of mother trees distribution by the similarity degree of their growth and its heredity in progeny. Different populations are characterized by different frequency of isolated groups. 2. There were pointed out families with narrow, middle and wide range and spectrum of variability by this index, There was determined a positive, reliable correlation between the middle degree of growth similarity in a family and its middle height. 3. There was revealed adaptive character of the index, displaying in the change of growth dynamics in the extreme conditions.