Genetic and breeding complex of the
coniferous in the Novosobirsk region/oblast
Demidenko V.P., Noskov
V.I., Yudintsev A.N.
“common genetic and breeding complex” (CGBC) in the forestries
of the
The long-term programs and research
have been carried out by a laboratory of the Research Institute of Genetics and
Selection together with the
Selection schemes
include inventories of the perspective tree stands, selection of the plus trees
and plantations, establishing of seed and archive plantations, as well as
testing cultures of plus trees. Besides that, genetic reserves were set-up to
preserve the valuable gene pools, plantations with genetic cultures (climatypes) were set up to elucidate forest seed zoning and
to study population structure.
main plantation areas are in the Elbashino
Forestry are of the berdsk Forestry. The main spruce
seed plantations are established by the Suzun
Forestry, and plantations of the draught-resistant pines and larches are set
up in the Kulunda
steppe by the Karasuk Forestry. Seeds are collected
from the (CFSP) and forest seed orchards. Improved seeds and seedlings are sold
by the regional forestries.
of selection and genetic preservation programs allowed the
We consider that the current
forestry conditions and the amount of its financial support the main task is to
preserve the forest gene pool and to work for the increased selection value of
forest plantations.
We need to adjust the current
methods of establishing the seed and selection plantations,
first of all by promoting the step-by-step character of testing plus trees and
decreasing the areas of the 1st order forest seed plantations. Some
seed and selection plantations should be excluded from the regional CGBC and
categorize otherwise. Practice showed that population selection should be
carried out alongside with the plus one. Efficiency of the efforts to establish
and use a UGSC depends strongly on the structure and status of the sed selection enterprise. In this respect a selection seed
center with financial support from the federal and regional budgets seems to be
one of the most perspective forms.