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The Workshop Domains series is aimed at computer scientists and mathematicians alike who share an interest in the mathematical foundations of computation. It focusses on domain theory, its applications and related topics. It will be combined with topics based on the German-Russian project Computability Over Non-discrete Structures: Models, Semantics, Complexity supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
The Workshop will take place at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences located in Akademgorodok, which is formally a district of Novosibirsk.
Conference Topics:
Topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
domains and topology for semantics realisability effective domains and spaces proof mining computation over the continuous spaces constructive mathematics and its semantics program semantics computability theory models of sequential computation computable models lambda calculus admissible sets Invited Speakers:
Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana) The Role of the Interval Domain in Modern Exact Real Arithmetic
Ulrich Berger (Swansea) A Domain-Theoretic Characterisation of Strong Normalisation for the Lambda-R-Calculus
Martin Escardo (Birmingham) Infinite Sets That Admit Exhaustive Search
Peter Hertling (Munich) Continuous Reducibility of Functions
Jimmie Lawson (Baton Rouge) Directed Complete Completions
Alex Simpson (Edinburgh) Neoclassical Domain Theory
Atsushi Yoshikawa (Fukuoka) A Computability Flavoured View on Sobolev Spaces (+ slides)
Programm Committee:
Yuri Ershov Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk
Sergei Goncharov Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk
Achim Jung University of Birmingham
Klaus Keimel (Chair) Darmstadt Technical University
Ulrich Kohlenbach Darmstadt Technical University
Andrei Morozov (Co-Chair) Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk
Victor Selivanov Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Dieter Spreen University of SiegenWorkshop Secretary:
Alexei Stukachev Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk (domains@math.nsc.ru)Contributed Talks:
Tentative Schedule
is available here.Proceedings
Conference Proceedings will be published as a special issue of 'Annals of Pure and Applied Logic'. Papers can be submitted after the Workshop. They will be refereed according to the usual standards of the Journal.Important Dates:
Deadline for submissions December 15, 2007 Registration fee
There will be a registration fee of 85 Euros for covering expenses. For participants from Eastern Europa and the former Soviet Union we set the fee 300 Russian Roubles. PhD students do not pay a fee. If the fee is a problem, please contact the organizers for a possible arrangement in advance.Accommodation
All participants will be accommodated in the Hotel "Zolotaya Dolina'' ("Golden Valley") situated at a walking distance from the workshop venue. The Organizing Committee reserved for each of the participants a single room (semisuite) which is 1185 Roubles per night. In case you prefer different accommodation, please inform the Ogranizing Committee (domains@math.nsc.ru). For example, the (reduced) price for a suite (single or double) in "Zolotaya Dolina" is 1680 Roubles per night.
Local transportation
Participants will be met at the Novosibirsk airport "Tolmachevo" and taken to the hotel by special transport. The Organizing Committee asks the participants to inform in advance about arrival date, time and flight number to arrange the meeting at the airport.
If, by some reason, you will not be met, you can take bus 808 to Akademgorodok. Its terminal stop is "Gostinitsa Zolotaya Dolina" ("Golden Valley Hotel"). If you wish to take a taxi, please note that the normal cost does not exceed 500-600 Roubles (about 15-20 Euros).
To get to Akademgorodok from the Novosibirsk Central railway station, take a (small) bus 15 or 1015.Credit cards and currency
Although credit cards are not widely accepted, this is not a problem to receive cash at ATM or in bank. There are several banks near the hotel, and most of them work with Visa, MasterCard, and some other popular systems.
It is very easy to exchange US dollars or Euros into Roubles. The closest office is on the ground floor of the hotel. Approximate rates are the following: 1 USD = 26 RUB, 1 EUR = 35 RUB. If you want to change cash into Roubles, please bring only new money, having no defects, scratches, ink or other marks, holes, ultraviolet defects, etc. Otherwise a bank may refuse to change your money or offer you a reduced rate (usually about 90–92% of the original rate).
Never change money illegally at streets; your profit will not exceed 1–2% but you may be cheated!Additional information:
Weather forecast
for Novosibirsk, Moscow, and other Russian cities is available here.
The electric current in Russia is 220 V (50 Hz). Plugs and sockets are the same as in the Continental countries of the European Union.
Time difference
Time in Novosibirsk is 6 hours ahead of GMT.
Organizing Committee
Andrei Morozov (Chair), Alexander Kravchenko (Co-Chair), Pavel Alaev, Ekaterina Fokina, Alexander Gavrjushkin, Asylkhan Khisamiev, Margarita Korovina, Oleg Kudinov, Galina Morozova, Veta Murzina, Sergei Podzorov, Alexandra Revenko, Alexei Stukachev, Marina StukachevaCONTACT INFORMATION
Address: Joint Workshop Domains VIII
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4, Acad. Koptyug avenue
Russia, 630090
+7 383 333 28 94Fax: +7 383 333 25 98
domains@math.nsc.ruWEB: http://www.sbras.ru/ws/domains/
Last update: Monday, 08-Oct-2007 23:15:58 NOVST
|Sobolev Institute of Mathematics|