Brief review of the presentations at the International Seminar “Promoting the Mobility and Career Development of researchers between the Russian Federation and the European Union”
23 November 2004, 14.00
House of Scientists of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
The International Seminar “Promoting the Mobility and Career Development of researchers between the Russian Federation and the European Union” took place in the Small hall of the House of Scientists of Novosibirsk Scientific Center on November 23, 2004. It brought together 180 participants. The Seminar was part of the joint project in organizing workshops for discussing the problems of the career development of researchers. It joined in the series of the workshops in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk. The organizers of the Seminars – the Representatives of the European Commission in Russia and State University-Higher School of Economics. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Scientists was responsible for the organization of the Seminar in Novosibirsk.
The delegation of European Union headed by the Ambassador, Mr. Marc FRANCO, presented the European programs on promoting the mobility of the researchers in the field of education and science between European Union and Russian Federation. Mr. Marc Franco opened the Seminar. He told about the efforts of the Euro-Union to enlarge and increase the strength of scientific cooperation of the researchers working in different countries. The Deputy Head of Administration of the Novosibirsk region Mr. Gennadii Sapozhnikov noted in his greeting word that the problems of the scientific career of young people, establishment of connections with colleagues from other countries have always been in the focus of the attention of the academic society of Novosibirsk. The general meeting of Novosibirsk Scientific Center just recently raised the questions of the integration of academic institutions and educational organizations of Novosibirsk and their participation in organizing of an innovation net. He reminded that the Siberian Branch of RAS had good traditions in establishment of international contacts, implementation of joint programs and projects. He underlined that the current Seminar was a very important step on the way of the development of academic mobility under the conditions of economy globalization.
Academician Valentin Parmon, Director of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, also took part in the Seminar opening. He stated that inspite of the fact that Siberia is not a part of the Europe, it has represented Russia on many forums and has very strong relations with European states. In his presentation “The Expirience of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS in the field of S&T cooperation with the countries of Euro Union” he told the participants that the researchers of the Institute have a very fruitful cooperation with the countries of Euro Union. He stated that chemical investigations in the institute are directed to the decision of wide spectrum of problems – from studying the mechanisms of elemental chemical reactions to design of new materials and progressive technologies. To be in progress, the scientists of the Institute tend to broadening of international scientific cooperation and widely use traditional forms: organization and participation in international conferences, exchanging research fellows, visiting scientific centers. The Institute has even stored a broad experience of long-term bilateral scientific collaboration with organizations of the EU Countries, International scientific collaboration of BIC, supported by the West European Grants (24 grants by INTAS, 8 grants by INTAS-RFBR, 5 grants by COPERNICUS, 5 grants by NATO, 8 grants by ISTC, 2 grants by NWO, 7 grants by NWO-RFBR, 1 grant by Volkswagen). The private company B.I.C. Europe BV was established in the Netherlands to assist in transferring BIC developments to the West Europe industries. Valentin Parmon noted a current problem in the visa arrangement for the scientific collaborations: For the entrance to new EU countries, new visa rules are more complicated than those to the elder EU countries. Indeed, when passing through these countries, the transit national visas are needed even in cases of having the Schengen visa. But in general, Siberian scientists, especially young researchers, support the idea of mobility and intensive scientific change between countries.
Mr. Raffaele Liberali, Director for “The human factor, mobility and Marie Curie activities” of European Commission took part in the procedure of the Seminar opening, and then he prolonged his presentation. He told about EC perspectives in International mobility. EC has very ambitious plans – to build a “knowledge society” by 2010, to increase the volume of the capital investment to the science. It is necessary to develop a qualified scientific stuff. The budget of the next 7fp of the Marie Curie program will be doubled. Now it is 10% of the general program budget. The main principle of the program is "Bottom-up", which means that participation in the program does not depend on the field of the scientific investigation and the age of the participants. The main criteria is the quality of the scientific investigations and projects.
Mr Liberali regretted that only 2-3 western researchers have applied for the work in Russian laboratories. He was very disappointed with this fact. The problem is not the shortage of knowledge in Russia, or climate particulates, but the shortage of information about possibilities of Russian scientific centers. One of the main problems is the lack of co-ordinated, one-stop information sources. We know more about USA and abilities of its research centers, that’s why many young scientists from European countries are mostly oriented on USA. It is a very important thing - the establishment of an Internet portal (European Mobility Portal) to provide mobile researchers with up-to-date legal, administrative and cultural information. We also want – said Mr. Liberali – to see the representatives of third (non-EU) countries working in Europe. This is a new tendency – all programs are open for the International cooperation. The main idea is long-term cooperation, but not brain drain. To avoid it, the scheme of reintegration is proposed. It provides the granting the researcher during 1 year in his native country after 1-year work in the host country. Third country researchers face cumbersome problems with visa, residence permit and work permit requirements. Immigration restrictions often make it impossible for non-EU nationals to take up residence in the host country for more than short stays. These bureaucratic problems should be solved. The aim of the mobility program is establishment of the nonfragmentative liberal market of research labor. Mobility is the instrument of the career development of researchers. Circulation of researchers, participation in European mobility programs looks very promising.
This topic was continued in the presentation of Mr. Georges Bingen, Head of Unit for “Strategy and policy”, Directorate for “The human factor, mobility and activities” of European Commission. He emphasized the positive tendency of increasing the expenses on science and geographical expanding of Marie Curie program activities because of including the third (non-EU) countries in its circles. Mr. Bingen also talked about the problem of brain drain. He noted that inspite of the seriousness of this problem, it has some positive moments – the drained scientists keep contacts with their colleagues at home, promoting the increase and improvement of the International cooperation. Nevertheless, the circulation of the researchers is the main principle of the mobility. United European standards and certification should be developed.
The contribution “The Marie Curie Actions for the Training, Mobility and Career Development of Researchers” was presented by Ms. Anna Pikalova, Manager of Mobility National Contact Point for Russia, State University – Higher School of Economics. She described in details the trends of the Marie Curie program for participation of RF researchers, the regulations and demands.
Ms. Svetlana Knyazeva (Regional INTAS Representative) presented the contribution “INTAS Mobility and Research Partnerships”. She described INTAS programs emphasizing their connection with mobility between new independent countries and the countries of European Union.
The contribution “FFG activities regarding the mobility of researchers” was presented by
Mr. M. Robert Schwertner, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). He told about the activity of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and made the accents on cooperation with the researchers from Russia. He described the concrete possibilities of mobility development for Russian researchers in Austria, search of the partners.
Mr. R. Sobotta, Head of the German Academic Exchange Agency (DAAD) – Information-Center Novosibirsk, told about DAAD programs and long-term grants, academic change, fruitful work between Germany and Russia.
Some questions concerning the details of the proposed programs, financial point, possibilities of the participation in the programs, expert estimation were asked during the discussion leaded by Professor Valerii Bukhtiyarov, Deputy Director of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS.
Conclusion remarks summarized all presented information and confirmed the importance of the Seminar topic. There is a raw of the European programs on students and researchers mobility – TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, 6FP including the Marie Curie program. The mentioned programs should be oriented not on brain drain, but on research circulation between different countries. The meeting was very important for the change of information in order to find new effective ways of the cooperation. The political problems of cooperation, establishment of the united space of Europe and Russia in the field of economy, safety, science and technology, education will be discussed at EC-Russia Summit in November.
Mr. Bingen highly estimated the level and practice use of the presented information. Full view of financial and organizing abilities was given not only from EU side, but from the side of public organizations and funds. Mr. Bingen has a hope that the Seminar will stimulate new steps in establishment of stable contacts and cooperation in all fields of science and education.
The lively discussion was continued after the Seminar, during the Fourchette. Young researchers, well-known scientists, teachers demonstrated a big interest to the European programs, desire to participate in their work, support of the ideas of the scientific mobility.
The Seminar helped researchers to learn about EU programs on scientific mobility. The information was widely distributed (more than 1000 letters) to the universities, research institutions, and small-scale business circles in Novosibirsk region. High rank officials of Novosibirsk regional administration were invited. Seminar Web-site was designed; on-line registration of the participants was fulfilled. Mass-media representatives were informed about the Seminar holding. Press-secretary of the SB RAS Presidium and Seminar organizers had the permanent connection with journalists. The information was given by the journalists in mass-media before the Seminar (RIA SIBIR, November 22), and after the Seminar (newspaper “Nauka v Sibiri, N 48, December; Poisk – November 26, December 3). TV programs showed the ceremony of the Seminar opening on November 23, 24 (Vesti-Sibir, NTN-4). More than 100 pictures of the Seminar were developed.
As a recommendation to EC Delegation: the researchers of the Siberian Branch of RAS offer to expand the presentations of the European programs on research mobility on the School-conferences for young scientists and other events.