International Congress "MATHEMATICS in XXI century. The role of the MMD of NSU in science, education, and business."

25-28 June 2003, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok .

Discussion on the role of mathematics

List reports

Number of reports: 112


  1. Adaricheva K.V. Convex geometries

  2. Akinremi S.B. Radicals and socles of an algebra without identity

  3. Aminov I. Computer ... (abstract in russian)

  4. Aminov I.B. Use computer techology in the mathematic sciences

  5. Anikina G. Multi-level nonparametrical system of prediction of students' progress (abstract in russian)

  6. Anikonov D.S. Some trends of mathematical modeling in natural sciences (abstract in russian)

  7. Apanasov B.N. Geometric structures on manifolds

  8. Artemiev S.S., Novikov A.V. The methods of Monte-Karlo in financial mathematics (abstract in russian)

  9. Arzikulov F.N. On the classification of Banach and Jordan-Banach algebras (abstract in russian)

  10. Arzikulov F.N. The type of a JBW-algebra A coinsides with the type of the JBW-algebra A** (abstract in russian)

  11. Arzikulov F.N. On the enveloping AW*-algebras of AJW-algebras (abstract in russian)

  12. Astrakov S. no ()

  13. Averina T.A. Statistical analysis of the priority degree influence on the control quality of the systems with a separated time (abstract in russian)

  14. Ayaganov E. Asymptotical stability of a nonlinear control system the interval given object with delay (abstract in russian)

  15. Bednarzhevskii V.S. Mathematics and information technologies in modeling a heat of energy equipment


  17. Bukhgeim A.L. Inverse problems, tomography and applications (abstract in russian)

  18. Bykov V.I., Kamenshchikov L.P. A Parallel Implementation of 3-D Unsteady Reaction-Diffusion Model

  19. Bykov V.I., Tsybenova S.B. The analysis of local bifurcations for Turing's model (abstract in russian)

  20. Cherkasova L.A. Web Site Performance and QoS Monitoring

  21. Cheshkova M.A. The hypersurfaces of Ioahimstal (abstract in russian)

  22. Daniyarova E.Y. Algebraic geometry over free metabelian Lie algebra: finite field case. (abstract in russian)

  23. Degtyarenko V.A. The Special Subdirect Sums of Abelian Groups (abstract in russian)

  24. Dementev A. The peculiarities of teaching higher mathematics for students of extramural departments of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. (abstract in russian)

  25. Egereva E.N. Economy and one of mathematical models of wave process. (abstract in russian)

  26. Eliseeva T.V. Separate system of Fredholm equations of the first type, connected to the equation of heat conductivity for piecewise homogeneous space (abstract in russian)

  27. Ershov Y.L. Cultural mission of MATHEMATICS ()

  28. Feforova N. Models (abstract in russian)

  29. Feforova N., Rogaleva M. Forms (abstract in russian)

  30. Finko O.A. Introduction to New Parallel Computer Arithmetics Grounded on Factorizations of Operan

  31. Finko O.A. Variants of the Chinese remainder theorem oriented to technical implementation (abstract in russian)

  32. Fridman G.S. About Harm of Unreasonable Precision. (abstract in russian)

  33. Glazyrina I. Functional Analysis in Models of Sustainable Development ()

  34. Glukhova E., Jakovleva N. Study (abstract in russian)

  35. Glukhova E., Orlov A. No (abstract in russian)

  36. Goncharov S.S. The Mathematics Department of NSU: results and perspectives ()

  37. Goncharov S.S., Molorodov Y.I. To the concept of a rate of computer science in SEdCenter NSU (abstract in russian)

  38. Gorodniaia L.V. , Kalinina N.A Mathematińs and active learning to programming

  39. Grishin A. in XXI century (abstract in russian)

  40. Gusev S.A. Estimation of coefficients of a parabolic equation by using the probabilistic representation of its solution and parametric derivatives (abstract in russian)


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