Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2008»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 13-15, 2008

Plenary Talks

|13.10.2008| |14.10.2008| |15.10.2008|


10-00 -- 14-00 
small Hall of House of Scientists
Head: academician Mikhailenko B.G.

  1. Marchuk G.I. Opening address

  2. Lavrent'ev M.M. Inverse problems of seismology

  3. Romanov V.G. A stability in inverse problems

  4. Dymnikov V.P., Kulyamin D.V., Volodin E.M. Modelling of quasi-biannual oscillations of zonal wind in the equatorial atmosphere

  5. Konovalov A.N. Dynamical problems of elasticity theory


10-00 -- 14-00 
small Hall of House of Scientists
Head: Corresponding Member RAS Romanov V.G.

  1. Molotkov L. Effective models of realistic mediums of the theory of seismic waves propagation

  2. Mikhailenko B.G. Numerically - analytical methods of seismic problems solution

  3. Kabanikhin S.I. About A.S.Alekseev's first works on dynamic inverse problems of a geophysics.

  4. Tsibulchik G.M. Continuation of elastic waves in reverse time

  5. Erokhin G.N. Information technology and inverse problems of resources conservation

  6. Iliin V.P. Methods and technologies of complex modeling of the geoprospecting fields


10-00 -- 14-00 
small Hall of House of Scientists
Head: academician Dymnikov V.P.

  1. Mikhailov G.A., Ukhinov S.A. Solving tasks of optical sounding with account of polarization by Monte Carlo method

  2. Penenko V.V. Вариационные методы усвоения данных и обратные задачи для изучения атмосферы, океана и окружающей среды

  3. Kuzin V.I., Krupchatnikov V.V., Fomenko A.A.,Golubeva E.N., Martynova Uy.V., Platov G.A. The study of the Northern Eurasian and the Arctic basin climatic system dynamics

  4. Асмус В.В., Кровотынцев, Пяткин В.П. Мониторинг ледяного покрова Арктики и Антарктики по данным дистанционного зондирования Земли

  5. Anikonov Y. Problems of the theory and applications of multidimensional inverse problems

  6. Yagola A. V.K. Ivanov's ideas concerning a priori information for solving ill-posed problems and practical applications

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