Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002

Parallel numerical algorithms



14-30 -- 16-30 (1) Parallel algorithms - 1
Head: Prof. B.N.Chetverushkin

  1. Il'in V.P., Litvinenko S.A., Sveshnikov V.M. Parallel domain decomposition methods for solve 3D boundary value problems (abstract in russian)

  2. Malyshkin V.E., Neupokoev E.V., Snytnikov V.N., Vshivkov V.A. Parallel realization of particle-in-cell method for numerical modelling of evolution of stellar systems (full text)

  3. Malyshkin V.E., Snytnikov A.V., Snytnikov V.N., Vshivkov V.A. Parallel Numerical Solver of Poisson Equation for the Problem of Gravitational Dynamics

  4. Malyshkin V.E., Tsigulin A.A., Vshivkov V.A. Принципы организации и алгоритмы реализации генератора ParaGen параллельных программ, реализующих численные модели на прямоугольных сетках (full text)

  5. Medvedev Y.G. The Polar Complex Rhombic Dodecahedron 3D Fluid Flow Model (full text)

16-45 -- 18-25 (2) Parallel algorithms - 2
Head: Prof. Malyshkin V.E.

  1. Akimova E.N. The parallel algorithm for solving the gravity inverse problem

  2. Baranovskiy N.V., Grishin A.M. Landscape parallelization and forest fire maturity of forest fuel (full text)

  3. Chekhonin K.A. A parallel two-level solver for 3D unstructured grid elliptic problems (full text)

  4. Lazareva S.A. The Multi-level Intermediate Program Representation and Its Use in Automatic Parallelization

  5. Ivanov A.G.1, Koroleva M.A.2, Krasnov V.P.2, Kumkov S.I.1 The construction of informational sets for rate constants of a chemical reaction

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