Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002

Plenary presentations

|24.06.2002| |25.06.2002| |27.06.2002| |28.06.2002|


09-30 -- 10-45 

11-00 -- 12-30 
Head: Prof. O.Axelsson

  1. Axelsson O. Improving additive and multiplicative preconditioners for two-level matrices by congruence trabsformations

  2. Kuznetsov Y.A. Domain decomposition and fictitious domain methods with distributed Lagrange multipliers

  3. Chetverushkin B.N. Kinetic and lattice Boltzman schemes for gas dynamics problems (full text)


9-30 -- 11-00 
Head: Prof. Yu.A.Kuznetsov

  1. Godunov S.K. A need of reformation in statemen of basic spectral problems (full text)

  2. Fedotov A.M., Shokin Yu.I. Distributed informational computing resources of SB RAS (full text)

11-15 -- 12-45 
Head: ac. S.K.Godunov

  1. Funaro D. Superconsistent Discretizations with Application to Hyperbolic Equations

  2. Kobelkov G.M. On parabolic approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations (full text)


9-30 -- 11-00 
Head: Prof. D.Funaro

  1. Hoppe R.H. Shape and topology optimization in materials science

  2. Sushkevich T.A. Influence functions method for numerical solution to boundary value problems of transfer theory (full text)

11-15 -- 12-45 
Head: Prof. R.Hoppe

  1. Marek I. Aggregation/disaggregation iterative methods for computing some characteristics of Markov chains

  2. Konovalov A.N. Adaptive gradient methods for linear problems (full text)


9-30 -- 11-00 
Head: V.V.Shaidurov

  1. Lebedev V.I. Extremal polynomials, pseudodifference operators and stable explicit schemes for solving stiff problems of mathematical physics (full text)

  2. Kwak D.Y. The design of prolongation operators in multigrid algorithm

11-15 -- 12-45 
Head: Prof. D.Kwak

  1. Mikhailov G.A., Rogazinsky S.V. Weight Monte Carlo methods for solving multiparticle problems related to the Boltzmann equation (abstract in russian)

  2. Shaidurov V.V., Schepanovskaya G.I. Solving of the Navier-Stokes problem for viscous heat conducting gas on the mulriprocessor system (full text)

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