Институт вычислительной математики
и математической геофизики

The International Conference on Computational Mathematics


Numerical solution of differential and integral equations

Modification of particle-in-cell method to simulation of high voltage glow discharge electron sources

Melnyk I.V.

National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" (Kiev)

High-voltage glow discharge electron sources with anode plasma are widely used in technology for welding, brazing and annealing of low items, as well as for deposition of chemically-complex films [1]. However, future development and providing into industry of such perspective electron sources is limited because of complex ion-electron discharge optic. In this circumstance form and position of anode plasma, as well as elementary particles interactions in a discharge gap are strongly influence to electrons trajectories. In additional, dispersion of velocity of electrons emitted from the cathode surface as a result of its ions' bombarding, also significantly influence to parameters of formed electron beam. In this reason combined, theoretical and experimental methodic is used for simulation of high voltage glow discharge electrodes systems. Plasma boundary form and position defined from brightness analyze of discharge photograph, and obtained experimental data are used for simulation of ion-electron optic in high voltage discharge.

Numerical method of high voltage glow discharge optic simulation, where anode plasma boundary for high current regimes is assumed parallel to the cathode surface, is considered in this report. Plasma potential and position of its boundary are defined theoretically from the conditions of discharge maintaining. Particle-in-cell method have been used for trajectory analyze. Classic particle-in-cell algorithm was essentially modified for taking into account recharging effects and dispersion of velocity of particles. Convergence and steadiness of proposed method was analyzed for simulation of real high voltage glow discharge electrodes systems.


1. Плазменные процессы в технологических электронных пушках/ Завьялов М.А, Крейндель Ю.Е., Новиков А.А., Шантурин Л.П. - М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1989. - 256 с.

2. Denbnovetsky S.V., Felba J., Melnik V.I., Melnik I.V. Model Of Beam Formation In A Glow Discharge Electron Gun With A Cold Cathode. - Applied Surface Science, 111 (1997). - P. 288-294.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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