Институт вычислительной математики
и математической геофизики

The International Conference on Computational Mathematics


Invited papers

Large-eddy simulation of geophysical boundary layers on parallel computational systems

Lykosov V.N., Glazunov A.V.

Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS (Moskow)

Non-hydrostatic three-dimensional models of the upper-ocean layer and atmospheric boundary layer are presented. These models are able to reproduce large-scale (comparable with the mixed layer height) eddy structures which are caused both by the thermal convection and the wind stress at the sea surface. Models are combined into the coupled model of interacting boundary layers. The interaction between atmospheric and oceanic models is organised as exchange by the fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture through the water-air interface.

To construct models, the large-eddy simulation methodology is used. To take into account the small-scale isotropic turbulence (with spatial scales less then the size of numerical model grid), the parameterisation of which connects the energy of sub-grid motions with characteristics of slower processes, is used. The differential formulation of models includes the Reynolds-type equations to describe an evolution of momentum, heat and salt (or moisture), the continuity equation and the state equation for the water and air. To close these equations, additional equations for the turbulent kinetic energy of small-scale eddies and its dissipation rate are used. Numerical code of the model has been implemented on the parallel cluster MVC-1000M. Results of numerical experiments which illustrate the computational efficiency of the model and its ability to reproduce eddy motions that are similar to observed ones are presented.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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