Информационная система "Конференции"

"The modern methods of natural phenomenon", IX-th Conference

Barnaul, 2007, September, 17 - 22


DIS-technologies in decision-making about catastrophes

Sizikov V.P., Razumov V.I.

Omsk Branch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS (Omsk)

The present paper provides a further investigation of the real process modeling on the basis of the dynamic information systems theory (DIS, TDIS) and combines philosophical, physical and mathematical facets of the issue. The conference reports supported by the ICT SB RAS (Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) have expounded the fundamentals of the DIS-technologies of the catastrophe modeling, the DIS-approach to decision-making systems, the elements of process imitation organization on the basis of the structural aspect of their description. The paper evolves the process imitation organization from the functional perspective. Firstly, every catastrophe in the system is connected with the bifurcation phenomenon in it. Thus, we suggest taking into consideration the multi-layer nature of processes and expressing the principal ways of the catastrophe development in a categorical scheme and its basic alterations. Secondly, the DIS informational functioning process (PIF) corresponds with the quantum system evolution when the internal development of the system must not be neglected. Furthermore, in the context of the TDIS it is not the formal Hamiltonian that forms the basis of the model, but the geometry allotted with substantial matter in the rank of the operational directed graph and bearing the mode of particle ensemble behavior. This allows select the simplest element mode for any motion. Thirdly, the combination of the first two points results in a genetically conditioned operator family that allows considering the DIS PIF transformation acts. Attributing the decision-making sense to these acts leads to imitation emanating from the functional aspect.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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