Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2008»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 13-15, 2008


Mathematical and Statistical Simulation in Problems of the Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environmental Protection

Modeling and Parameterization of Mesoscale Dynamics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Lykosov V.N.

Institute for Numerical Mathematics,
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

It is well known that during long history of Numerical Weather Prediction the model resolution was one of the major concerns to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting. Non-hydrostatic high-resolution models, which resolve mesoscale circulations, are now widely used in regional operative practice. On the other hand, the horizontal resolution in most climate models participating in the IPCC’s 4-th assessment report is about 200 km. However, it is widely recognized that the typical grid size of global climate models will cover the 2 – 200 km mesoscale for the near future. The underlying surface heterogeneity can induce subgrid microscale and mesoscale circulations, which may influence the atmospheric boundary layer structure, cloud formation, the air – surface exchange and the high-frequency eddy activity (in particular, due to polar meso-cyclones). It means that the quantification and parameterization of surface heterogeneity effects on these scales should be considered as an important issue for climate modeling. In the report, the dynamical impact of underlying surface heterogeneity on mass and energy transport in the atmosphere is discussed and the present-day approaches to parameterize mesoscale fluxes are reviewed. A special attention is paid to interaction of the atmosphere with the hydrologically inhomogeneous land surface, e.g. in permafrost regions. There are several regions in the world, including Siberia, where the presence of dense net of hydrological objects (hydrological heterogeneity of the surface) should essentially affect atmospheric circulations. In particular, it is especially important due to the fact that the permafrost degradation under global warming may lead to addition production of the atmospheric greenhouse gases, e.g. methane.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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