Институт вычислительной математики и математической геофизики СОРАН


Computational algebra

The TV-Stokes model for image denoising

Malyshev A.N.

University of Bergen,

A fast algorithm is proposed for image denoising, which is based on a dual formulation of a recent denoising model involving the total variation minimization of the tangential vector field under the incompressibility condition stating that the tangential vector field should be divergence free. The model turns noisy images into smooth and visually pleasant ones and preserves the edges quite well. While the original TV-Stokes algorithm, based on the primal formulation, is extremely slow, the new dual algorithm drastically improves the computational speed and possesses the same quality of denoising. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate practical efficiency of our algorithm.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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