Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002


Numerical solution of differential and integral equations

The numerical modeling of shear bands

Bushmanova O.P.

Altay State University (Barnaul)

The numerical study is focused on analyzing the evolution of shear bands. Plane strain problems are considered here. Shear bands as slits in the curvilinear form are represented. Jumps of tangential displacemets are taken place along the slits. A stress vector and normal displacement are continued on the shear band. An elastic material stress-strain behavior outside the shear bands is proposed. Finite element method is applied. The triangular simplex-elements and Hermite triangular finite elements with cubic shape functions are used. The experiment information about possible shear bands configuration is taken into account at the triangulation of domain. For example, nodes of the finite element mesh are disposed on the equiangular spirals or Cassini ovals. A number of numerical solutions of various problems are offered. A stress field tends to the classical plastic solution if the plasticity condition is fulfilled on shear bands and shear band spacing tends to zero.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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