Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002


Numerical solution of differential and integral equations

A high accurate difference-analytical method for solving Laplace's boundary value problem with singularities

Dosiyev A.

Eastern Mediterranean University (Gazimagusa)

In a finite neighborhood of each singular point on the boundary (the vertices of the reentrant angle, the points of discontinuity of the given boundary functions, and the points of change of the type of boundary conditions), a special integral representation of the solution is approximated by the quadrature formulas of regtangles, which converges exponentially. On the outside of the chosing neighborhoods, the Laplace equation and the boundary conditions are approximated by the finite difference method. The equations obtained in this combined method are connected by constructing the high accurate matching operator. The error of the approximate solution in uniform metric and its any order derivatives in the choosing neighborhoods is estimated. The possibility of solving the system of algebraic equations obtained in this method by Schwarz alternating procedure is justified. Numerical results are presented to conform the high accuracy of the proposed method.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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