Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002


Computational Algebra

Iterative algorithm for large hydraulic problems

Faizullin R.T.

Omsk State University (Omsk)

Presented new approach for solution of large system of nonlinear algebraic equations: $$A(|x|^alpha)x=f$$ where equations described two Kirhgoff laws for net - hydraulic, electric or other net. There are uniqness theorem and iterative algorithm: $$A(|beta_1 x_n+..+beta_k x_{n-k+1}|^alpha)x_{n+1}=f,beta_1+..+beta_k =1 $$ where $beta_1,..beta_k$ can be chosen by Fibonacci procedure. Applicated for online calculations and optimization for pipe network hydraulics of heat transfer system of large siberian city Omsk (more than 20 000 pipes). Also such technique are now in daily use for calculations and optimization of regimes for multibranch petroleum pipelines Anjersk-Omsk, Anjersk-Angarsk (Siberia).

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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