International Congress "MATHEMATICS in XXI century. The role of the MMD of NSU in science, education, and business."

25-28 June 2003, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok .

Discussion on the role of mathematics


Foundational and philosophical problems of pure and applied mathematics

Convex geometries

Adaricheva K.V.

LIDP Consulting,
Inc (Chicago)

The general notion of a convex geometry as a closure system with the anti-exchange axiom was introduced in K.Adaricheva, V.Gorbunov and V.Tumanov "Join-semidistributive lattices and convex geometries" (Advances in Mathematics, 173(2003), 1--49). We give and overview of recent development of the theory of convex geometries, including the study of lattices of convex sets of vector spaces, and mention the discovered connection with the path independent choice functions that have been broadly studied in microeconomics.


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