International Congress "MATHEMATICS in XXI century. The role of the MMD of NSU in science, education, and business."

25-28 June 2003, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok .

Discussion on the role of mathematics


Mathematics and Information technologies

Mathematics and information technologies in modeling a heat of energy equipment

Bednarzhevskii V.S.

Altaic state university (Barnaul)

Designing modern steam boilers requires detailed study; probe; learn-thread of particularities of heat, aerodynamic, hydraulic, dynamic and other processes. All this brings about need of making the mathematical models.

At the computer aided design steam boilers are consecutively study determined stages: calculation to designs, fabrication of drawings, calculation speakers a steam boilers. Each stage corresponds to its mathematical model: steady-state, parametric, dynamic.

Steady-state models present itself algorithms of calculations: constructive heat, aerodynamic, hydraulic, swing of pressure on the steam tract, elements a steam boilers on toughness, unadulterated welded screens on toughness, pipe lines on the compensation, unadulterated welded ceilings on toughness, framework a steam boilers, reliability of working the surfaces of heating. Each calculation is present as a function of definite signs.

Parametric models required for fabrications in the automatic mode of working drawings a steam boilers and its nodes: collectors, pipes, unadulterated welded panels, devices and others. Parametric models also present itself algorithms of programs together with the device. Algorithms are realized on AutoLISP single-purpose language in the ambience AutoCAD. Device an comprises of itself strictly parametric model with the preliminary categorization of object. Under is understood such presentation of certain class of geometric objects, which allows automatically to get a concrete object (copy of class) by tasks of values of parameters.

Dynamic model a steam boilers required for adjusting the automatic regulation systems (ÀÑÐ) and revealing the dangerous deflections of parameters on stage of designing. NonStationary processes in steam boilers are described by the system of common differential equations of material and heat balances, equations of consuption of working ambience, heat balance of gas air tract. Offered mathematical models are to serve a base for once corresponding to information technologies in the energy machine-construction, will allow developers to accompany a product by corresponding electronic description. Offered mathematical models were use when designing an steam boilers BKZ 420-140-9, BKZ 420-140 PT-2 and number of other productions ÎÀÎ «Sibenergomash», so such electronic accompaniment can be essential forming factor on the international market.


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