Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


Mathematical modeling of environmental protection problems


Kurbanov B.T.

National centre of Geoinformation and Cadastre (Tashkent)

It is expedient to carry out analysis and evaluation of ecological situation applying mathematic methods, algorithms and programs, which take into account thematic orientation and particularities of ecological situation, use knowledge of experts and specialists of the following direction of ecological discipline. It is necessary to recall that as a rule the constraints among the evaluating territories are of fuzzy sets. During the solution process of problem of ecological situation applying one information-logical and mathematical model, along with quantitive characteristics, examining hard forming indexes which are of qualitive character. Even in those cases, when quantitive information is the basis of ecological maps, in process of ecological zoning according to these characteristics, operating with indexes with fuzzy sets is needed. Necessity of using the type of equipment, which can be oriented in receiving the results of either qualitive or quantitive evaluation of components of the environment in a certain mathematic direction, is created. This type of mathematic equipment should in methods maximally take into account skills and intuition of researchers on one side, and on the other side it should find compromise between increasing difficulties of ecological process and requirements of clearness of research results. One of the possible ways of solving this problem is usage of theories of Fuzzy sets, developed by Lofti A. Zadeh.

In National Center of Geoinformation and Cadastre, on a basis of funding and renewed cartographic materials, statistic data and data of remote sensing of the earth, a set of maps of ecological division of the territory was developed. Estimation of ecological situation of the territory was carried out using theories of Fuzzy sets, which allowed to link observing ecological situation of the region and adopting adequate managing solutions for its stabilization, evaluating of adopted solutions, avoiding negative processes in natural-territorial phenomena and management, information, economic and social spheres of the region's population.

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