Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


Mathematical modeling of processes in atmosphere and hydrosphere


Shlychkov V.A.

Institute water and environmental problems SB RAS
Novosibirsk branch (Novosibirsk)

A mathematical model of moisture exchange in the catchment area of an internal water reservoir with allowance for processes of formation of a surface outflow is proposed. A numerical model of the mesoscale atmospheric boundary layer, with a detailed description of phase transformations of moisture and cloud formation, is used as an interpolator of the precipitation distribution along the territory. Calculated fields of meteorological quantities are used as input parameters for a deterministic model of heat and moisture transfer in the "atmosphere-active soil layer" system. The model is based on equations for mass and energy exchange taking into account the phase transitions "water vapor-water-ice".

Two variants of the model are developed. One variant provides a detailed description in time to model situations of extremal character, for instance, intensive spring snow melting. The other one provides integral parameterization of daily variations, when the synoptic mode is close to the climatic norm. The model makes it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of the water balance. It includes, in particular, the lateral moisture outflow, which is a basis of the slope outflow. The dynamics of the slope outflow is calculated by using plane equations of the diffusion wave for the redistribution of surface water outflows along the water catchment zone. Criteria of comprehensive information support of the model are formulated. These criteria comply with the requirements of an adequate description of slope effects. The description includes landscape-geographical and topographic data on the water reservoir. The model provides a total flow of melt- and rainwater into a water reservoir or a river system, and thereby forms lateral inflow into the main flow.

This work has received financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 03-05-96825).

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