Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


POSTER (section 3)

Increasing of efficiency of algorithm by realization a problem of atmospheric chemistry by using a solutions of pseudostate problems.

Pozdnyakova N.S.

ICMMG (Novosibirsk)

This work is deal with task of mathematician modeling of chemical transformation in atmosphere. Algorithm of solution based on gradient lowering methods, however, high numerical rigid of task leads to considerable time expensive. The regularization of algorithm by using of local solutions of pseudo-stead chemical task is carried out to decries of the time cost. However, this is distinction between our and extended approach of optimization. In extended approach supposed that "fast" component is pseudo-stead during all modeling time. But in our case, the "fast " component is calculated to pseudo-stead approximation only when the chemical situation is speed to that (this time moment is determined by using the sensitivity functions). This distinction apply , at first, to studied natural chemical dynamic of "fast" component and substantial decries of time cost also.

This work is carried out at financial support of RFBR (¹¹ 03-05-06104, 01-05-65313).

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