Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


Mathematical modeling of processes in atmosphere and hydrosphere

Modelling of the World ocean response on the surface water long warming.

Scherbakov A.V.

Institute of computational mathematics and mathematical geophysics
SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies (Khanty-Mansyisk)

The data on a climate variability and concentration of carbon dioxide and methane which were obtained at study of ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland show high correlation of these parameters during last 420 thousand years. Four long-term climatic cycles of cooling and warming which happened to periodicity in 90-120 thousand years are established. For all four cycles relitivly fast warming when the average temperature of an atmosphere rather fast for 10 thousand years is increased by magnitude about 10 degrees is characteristic, and is rather long, during the order of 70-100 thousand years decreases on the same magnitude.

With the help of quasigeostrophic climatic model ocean the response of a climate of ocean on slow long global warming with a velocity of 1 degree for 1000 of surface waters is investigated. Penetration of warming into a bottom sedimentary layer is simultaneously modelled and the possibility of destabilization of the subbottom methanehydrates is investigated.

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