Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


Mathematical problems in geotechnologies

The method for creation the digital arrays of depths on regular grids

Bezhaev A.Yu., Marchuk An.G.

Institute of computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

The gridded digital bathymetry for different ocean regions is needed for numerical solution of various oceanologic and oceanographic problems. Now there is no qualitative global gridded bathymetric database with resolution better than 5 arc minutes. But the numerical modeling of regional and local events (for example tsunamis) such a resolution is not enough. The effective method for creating the detailed arrays of depths on regular rectangular grids is presented in the paper. This method used the digital sounding data and scanned bathymetric charts. The algorithm of the depth values recalculation from random to regular grids uses the linear and the spline interpolation. Using proposed method the digital arrays of depths with 30 arc seconds resolution for several areas of the Kuril-Kamchatka and the Alaska-Aleutian tsunamigenic zones were created. This gridded bathymetric data is successfully used for the numerical modeling of tsunami generation and propagation.

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