Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Geophysics «MMG-2003»

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-12, 2003


Mathematical problems in geophysical investigations of solid Earth

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Savchenko A.O., Savchenko O.Ya.

ICMMG SB RAS (Novosibirsk),

Let a point dipole is placed in a homogeneous medium with anisotropic axis, where the detached current density changes in a harmonic law. Then, it is well-known, that it's possible to obtain equations for the amplitudes of the electromagnetic field components from Maxwell's equations and, further, an equation that has the components of the electric field as its unknown functions. By applying Fourier transformation to this equation one can get a system of linear algebraic equations in the transforms of the electric field. The required electromagnetic field is found by applying inverse Fourier transformation to the transforms obtained.

In this paper the electromagnetic field of an electric dipole , as well as that of a magnetic one, directed along each of the Cartesian axes is found. All six variantes are considered.

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