Институт вычислительной математики
и математической геофизики

Международная конференция по вычислительной математике

Тезисы докладов

Статистическое моделирование и методы Монте-Карло

Stochastic simulation of spatially inhomogeneous coagulation in one-dimensional premixed flame

Марченко М.А.


This talk deals with the stochastic simulating the one-dimensional process of formation and dynamics of particles in premixed flame. To develop the adequate model of the process of formation and dynamics of particles it is necessary to take into account spatial dependence of solution and parameters of model; to take into account flux, thermodiffusion and free diffusion transport of particles. The processes of inception and coagulation in real flames being very rapid, Monte Carlo method (particles method) will be very convenient to use, in spite of it's large computational cost in comparison to finite-element methods.

Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Jul-2012 (11:52:06)