Институт вычислительной математики
и математической геофизики

Международная конференция по вычислительной математике

Тезисы докладов

Численное решение дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений

Preconditioning by Domain Decomposition for Mixed Formulation of Anisotropic Problems

Непомнящих С.В., Парк Е.Дж., Парк Дж.

ICMMG (Novosibirsk),
Yonsei University (Korea),
R & D group,
Korea Telecom (Korea),

We investigate certain preconditioning techniques for a domain decomposition method based on mixed finite element approximations of elliptic problems with anisotropic coefficients in domains. The trace theorem for anisotropic rectangles with anisotropic grids is the main tool in constructing and studying effective domain decomposition preconditioners. In this paper we consider a general distribution of subdomains including the so-called "cross point case". To construct effective domain decomposition preconditioners, we use the Chebyshev polynomials. Numerical experiments verify the performance of the proposed domain decomposition algorithm.

Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Jul-2012 (11:52:06)