Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

Международная Конференция по Математическим Методам в Геофизике «ММГ-2003»

Россия, Новосибирск, Академгородок 8-12 октября 2003 г.

Тезисы докладов

Математическое моделирование процессов в атмосфере и гидросфере

The Experience of Ozone Dynamics Inclusion into Atmospheric

Галин В.Я., Володин Е.М.

Институт вычислительной математики РАН (Москва)

During the development of dynamics and chemistry atmospheric model under RFBR project, the improvement of atmospheric INM RAS model was achived. The dynamical finite difference scheme was changed. In standard model, dynamical equations in Gromeko-Lamb form, and finite difference scheme after Arakawa were used. Numerical experiments with ozone advection showed shortcomings of this scheme in polar regions. The replaycement of this scheme by one using advective form of dynamical equations lead to more realistic atmospheric circulation and ozone distribution in polar regions. The kinetic energy of synoptic variability in the atmospheric model was increased by a factor of 3, in new model it was in agreement with the observations. The simulation of climate and interaction of mean flow and synoptic eddies were improved.

The study show the role of orographic gravity wave drag in the distribution of total ozone in arctic region in winter and spring. Orographic gravity wave drag induces deceleration of stratospheric polar night jet, downward movement, lower tropopause and increase of total ozone over Arctic.

New dynamical scheme has no any exact conservation low. Nevertheless, it produces more realistic atmospheric circulation and ozone distribution in polar regions.

The study was supported by RFBR (grant 02-05-65020) and INTAS (grant 01-0732).

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Jul-2012 (11:52:46)