Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

Международная Конференция по Математическим Методам в Геофизике «ММГ-2003»

Россия, Новосибирск, Академгородок 8-12 октября 2003 г.

Тезисы докладов

Математические проблемы в геофизических исследованиях твердой Земли

Моделирование глобальной сейсмичности: применение параллельных технологий

Мельникова Л.А., Розенберг В.Л., Соловьев А.А.

Институт математики и механики УрО РАН (Екатеринбург)

Study of seismicity with the statistical and phenomenological analysis of the real earthquake catalogs has the disadvantage that the reliable data cover rather small time interval. Therefore, adequate mathematical models of seismicity are important tools supplying synthetic catalogs used for obtaining some estimations of characteristics of an earthquake flow. We consider the spherical block model, which is destined to study dynamics of the global system of tectonic plates. This model requires a lot of computational burden that sometimes makes impossible to use it at a one-processor computer. However, the approach applied to modeling admits sufficiently effective parallelization of calculations on a multiprocessor computer. Namely this fact makes possible passing to simulation of dynamics and seismicity for the global system of tectonic plates using real geophysical and seismic data. The description of the parallel algorithm and results of numerical simulation for different systems of tectonic plates (including the structure covering the whole surface of the Earth) are presented. The comparative analysis of synthetic and observed seismicity is performed. The dependence of properties of synthetic catalogs on model parameters is discussed.

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Jul-2012 (11:52:46)