Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

Международная Конференция по Математическим Методам в Геофизике «ММГ-2003»

Россия, Новосибирск, Академгородок 8-12 октября 2003 г.

Тезисы докладов

Стохастическое моделирование в геофизике и физике атмосферы

Monte Carlo simulation of angular distributions for radiation fields in water-drop and cirrus clouds

Пригарин С.М., Журавлева Т.Б.

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics,
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)

A Monte Carlo experiment was performed to study angular distributions for the solar radiation in water-drop and cirrus clouds for visible and IR range of wavelength. In particular, the following effects were studied for water-drop clouds:

(1) The presence of the second local maximum of the distribution for the “upward” radiance versus cosine of the zenith angle that implies existence of a bright ring on the upper boundary of a cloud. This phenomenon is significant for a thin cloud and a vertical angle of incident. The bright ring is in the direction of about 35 degrees from the nadir.

(2) The existence of peaks in forward and backward directions for the distribution of radiation reflected upward from a cloud versus the azimuth angle in the case of low angles of incidence. Specific features of phase functions can explain these effects, as well as the correspondent effects for cirrus clouds.

The research is supported by INTAS (01-0239), RFBR (03-05-64655) and SB RAS.

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Jul-2012 (11:52:46)