EmNet Project

The pan-European Object-Oriented Network of mathematical profile.

The purpose of the program:

The EmNet program is aimed at creation of pan-European information environment for activities of mathematicians-explorers, based on modern computer network resources of telecooperation and perspective telecommunication technologies.

The main directions of activities

  1. Creation of pan-European system of EmNet centers, connected by adjusted high-speed channels of information exchange, based both on existing public data transfer networks and on private elements of telecommunication infrastructure.

  2. Support of professionally-oriented system of scientific document preparation and exchange with remote joint work elements. ( Euromath project, GRIF ).

  3. Support of professionally-oriented system of interfaces and access to the leading international data banks and automated libraries.

  4. Creation of own information resources - directories of mathematicians and physical and mathematical organizations, conferences and arrangements, pre-print depositories, current edition reviews, etc. including support of the EMIR project, being implemented by EuroMath Center )

  5. Support of access to the remote calculating resources, special interfaces to symbol calculation systems.

  6. Elaboration of perspective systems of explorers' telecooperation based on modern telecommunication technologies (multi-media, satellite communications, ATM).

  7. User support.

The program financing sources:

The stages of development of the program and the main partners

For the first time the ideas of creation of joint information environment for actions of explorers-mathematicians were presented in 1986 in a special report of European Mathematical Council (nowadays European Mathematical Society )

According to the decision of European Mathematical Council, a special unprofitable organization- European Mathematical Trust was created to give the project administrative and financial support.

Academic and business partners in Europe:

18 national coordinate councils (NCC) of the program were created by the national mathematical associations.

The Chairmen of the National committees together with the observers from East-European countries form Euromath Advisory Board under the rule of prof. Jose Luis Vicente, Spain.

The Euromat-Center attached to Copenhagen University was established in January, 1990, to support the project technically.

Today Euromat-Center is the main operating center of EmNet network in Europe. Simultaneously Euromat-Center is entrusted with user support.

Distribution of the EmNet program to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

In 1990-1994 several universities of Central and Eastern Europe received financial support from EC within the TEMPUS program, including computer equipment. Within the program significant assistance was also granted to the basic mathematical centers of these countries. It became the base for creation of the EmNet services in these countries.

In 1993 200.000 ECU was allotted by European Commission within the COST program to supply the EmNet/C&E project, aimed at spread of the EmNet network infrastructure and service in the Central and Eastern Europe countries. The following countries take part in it: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czechia, Estonia.

In November, 1993, a constituent meeting of the EmNet/C&E program took place in Sofia (Bulgaria).

In 1993 the EmNet/NIS project , consisting of two phases, was supported by European Commission by means of INTAS association.

The project EmNet/fSU/phase-I (EmNet/NIS/Phase-I) proposes foundation of 8 regional centers of the EmNet network on the territories of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. The total financing support of the project by EC is 240.000 ECU. The project will last 15 months.

In January 1994 a constituent meeting of the project participants took place in EIMI (Saint-Petersburg).

The participants of the project are:

The full list of the project Phase l participants.

The Russian part of the project has extra financing from RBRF and RAS.

The project EmNet/fSU/phase-II (EmNet/NIS/Phase-II) is aimed at creation of 9 regional EuroMat centers located in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. The total finance support from EC is 325.000 ECU. The duration of the project is 36 months.

A constituent meeting of the regional coordinators of the project and signing of the contract took place in April 1995. The regional zones on the USSR's territory were distributed as follows

The map of the participants of the project EmNet/NIS/Phase-II:

  1. Moscow region of Russia (14 organizations - participants).
  2. North-Eastern region of Russia and Petersburg (7 organizations - participants).
  3. The central part of Russia (11 organizations - participants).
  4. Ural region of Russia (5 organizations - participants).
  5. Siberia region and far East (8 organizations - participants).
  6. Ukraine (9 organizations - participants).
  7. TransCaucasian (6 organizations - participants).
  8. Byelorussia (1 organization - participant).
  9. Kazakhstan (1 organization - participant).

The full list of the participants of the project Phase II.

Participation in creation of pan-European network of EmNet centers.

The situation in Western Europe:

Highly developed structure of academic scientific-research computer networks in Western Europe allows to concentrate mainly on the development of the information resources and services of the EmNet network. Therefore EmNet located on the territory of Western Europe is a typical example of the logical object-oriented network. The only exception is the situation when special wide-band channels are necessary for particular applications (VBN, Germany).

An example of EmNet-center: EuromathCenter attached to Copenhagen University:approximately 10 employs, equipment - DECstations 5000 and 3100, SUNSPARCstations, IBM RS/6000, X-terminals.

The situation in Eastern Europe:

The situation in Eastern Europe varies. On the one hand there are countries with relatively developed infrastructure of computer networks (Hungary, Czechia), on the other hand there are countries with absence of computer networks (Albania). In the first case it is possible to rely on public computer networks, in the second, it is necessary to take part in creation of national academic networks.

The situation in CIS:

Unfortunately there is no united academic data transfer system on the territory of former USSR today. Nowadays there are a number of non-commercial academic networks that are known in the West as "campus-wide" networks with some elements of inter-city infrastructure. Practically there are no commercial TCP/IP networks. The main function of commercial networks is E-mail delivering but this is done in a packet mode (UUCP) as a rule. Therefore, for reaching required connectivity between the EmNet centers it is necessary to allot some subsidy for organization of data transfer channels. International connectivity is held by both non-commercial channels of public usage (channels financed by MNF, RFFA) and within the EmNet project collaboration.

The Euromath system - a professionally oriented system of document preparation and exchange.

The Euromath system is a professional system of preparation and exchange of mathematical documents, developed on the base of structural editor-Grif, created by V.Quint (Grenoble) and then being developed and supported by GRIF SA company (St. Quentin). Euromath system is based on the operating system UNIX and graphics shell X-Windows. Nowdays the system exists on the following platforms: SUN4 - SUNOS, DECstations - ULTRIX, IBM RS/6000 - AIX, HP - HP-UX. In the nearest future an appearance of a version for OS Solaris 2.*. is expected. The minimum requirements to the platform are: 16 Mb RAM and 30 Mb free disk space.

The Euromath system allows to:

The Euromath system v.1 is distributed by European Mathematical Trust among all European organizations of physical and mathematical profile. The price of subscription in 1994 - 1500 ECU.

Access to the data banks, containing mathematical information.

Two data banks are used most often within the EmNet program - the AMSMATH system, containing the on-line version of the review magazine Mathematical Review, belonging to AMS and the international bank in FIZ, Karlsruhe, containing information from the magazine "Zentralblatt fur Mathematik".

AMSMATH bank is supported by the ESA-IRS program (European Space Agency - Information Retrieval Service). The bank contains 3 bases - MATHHIST (1959 - 72) , MATHREVIEWS (1973 - 84), MATHSCI(1985-nv). The data bank FIZ works within the international scientific- technical network STN. The banks give the following bibliographic information about mathematical publications:

Each organization buying an official version of the Euromath system, receives the right to use AMSMATH and FIZMAT banks for a year.