Background and History
Objectives and deliverables
Project activities and results
During the 4 years of EmNet/fSU, a modern, internationally oriented
research infrastructure based on computing and computer networking
will be established on fSU territory. This aims, in the first place,
at the mathematically oriented sciences. The plans have been prepared
through international collaboration since 1988. Only now can they be
realized. Considering the strength of mathematical research in all
parts of Europe, the expected synergy effect will be pronounced.
The declaration concerns the 15 months long first phase which is
technology oriented with transfer of know-how and with limited but
central implementations of services within communication, document
handling, information, databases, directories, and publishing. There
are 8 partners from fSU. An aggressive expansion to cover some 70-120
partners from fSU in a second phase will be planned.
Services will be especially adapted to the fSU situation (varying
from region to region). The project will strive to achieve an
economies of scale by exploiting the newest state-of-the-art
technology. Special care will be given to create centres and services
which can generate a modest income immediately and a more substantial
income at the medium and long range (e.g. related to collaboration
with industry). This and other aspects of the project are specifically
aimed at preventing a further brain drain in the fSU.
The mathematical sciences occupy a strong position in fSU. Until
recently, they were not technology dependent. However, with the advent
of modern information technology, it is becoming a prerequisit for all
scientists to have access to a research infrastructure based on
computers and networking. Also, advanced computing is becoming an
integral part of many branches of mathematics and is destined to have
a significant impact on the conduct of mathematical research itself.
The situation represents a challange as well as an opportunity. By
introducing modern technology in fSU it will, in principle, be
possible to maintain a high scientific level and to prevent further
brain drain.
It is realized, that though the project proposed in this Declaration
of Intent addresses the critical issues indicated above in a well
thought out and focused way, the demand is huge and even if
successfull, our project can only be seen as a beginning which will
require continued funding and continued comprehensive work and
collaboration by the European scientific community. Emphasis must be
placed on the engagement and contributions by the scientists in the
States of the fSU themselves.
We have deliberately split our project into two phases. The first, and
shorter phase, is more centralized and technology oriented. During
this phase, limited end-user oriented services will be developed.
Therefore, the results of the first phase will be of value in
themselves. Though not formally part of the proposal presented for
funding in this Declaration of Intent, we point out that the planned
second phase of our project is ambitious in that it will involve some
70-120 research centres in fSU. The necessary planning for this
pronounced extension will take place during the first phase.
During both phases of EmNet/fSU, centres of expertise of lasting value
will be created. The centres will vary greatly in size and specific
objectives. However, they will all contain a common kernel of know-how
and services which will form part of a pan-European network. Each
centre will be placed as an integral part of an active researh
environment and will choose its specific areas of interest and
activity in accordance with the basis of expertise and interest at the
research organization in question. In this way it is hoped to create a
base for collaboration with industry and others which will generate an
income on a running basis.
The activities will be coordinated with similar activities in other
parts of Europe.
Scientific area
Mathematics and Information Technology. Research
Infrastructure. The proposal is also relevant for other sciences, in
particular engineering and physics.
Specific objectives
These may be listed as follows:
- To enhance the computing and networking environment at the fSU
partners, thereby enabling the creation of end-user oriented services,
and enabling the integration of fSU into EmNet (Euromath Network and
- To establish services especially tailored to the needs of the fSU
mathematical community, e.g. regarding language, documentation and
available resources; of particular interest is the creation of an
information system, and a base for electronic publishing,
- To provide the researchers at the fSU-partner institutions with a
platform facilitating document preparation and exchange and access to
external services such as databases, information systems (cf.2) and
computer algebra systems (the key element is installations of the
Euromath System),
- To establish centres as part of EmNet,
- To prepare for the expansion in phase 2 of the project to 70-120
research institutions.
- To crate an awareness of the potential of the EmNet/fSU approach
among all the sciences in fSU, and to offer preliminary, necessarily
limited, assistance.
EmNet - Concepts and plans
A historical short overview of Euromath activity
It all began in 1983 during the international Congress of
Mathematicians in Warsaw where the activities of AMS in USA gave
inspiration for similar actions in Europe but adapted to the
inhomogeneity of Europe with different working habits, several
alphabets etc. The overall objectives was to provide a modern research
infrastructure for mathemacians based on computers and software in
accordance with the newest technology. This overall idea, adapted
according to progress of technology, e.g. recently with much more
focus on networking and network services, is the EUROMATH IDEA.
In 1986, a Data Base Committee was set up under European
Mathematical Council (now dissolved but transformed to EMS, the
European Mathematical Society) to explore the possibilities for
implementing the Euromath ideas. An application was submitted to EEC
for financial support of a the Euromath Project.
In 1987 the pan-European organization European Mathematical Trust
(EMT) was created to realize the Euromath ideas and, more
specifically, to coordinate the activities under the Euromath Project
approved at that time for support by the EEC.
The Euromath Project (1987-1994) concentrated on building a
system capable of producing and exchanging mathematical documents in a
form which appeals to mathematicians. Furthermore, connections to
databases, computer algebra systems and other tools have been included
in the concept, though not all fully implemented. In 1992 a
development version of the Euromath System (Em v.o) was released by
EMT. The first real version (Em v.1) was released in 1994. Work with
the Euromath System continues and new releases are planned.
At the outset, the Euromath activity was limited to Western
Europe. However, there had been extensive contacts with mathematicians
from several Central-and Eastern European countries, and this was
supplyed in 1988 with contacts to the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1990 the Danish Goverment gave a five year grant for
establishment and operation of the Euromath Center (EmC) in
Copenhagen, the main internationally oriented tasks of which were to
carry out development, write user-documentation and provide user
support for the Euromath System and its subscribers. Recently,
however, Euromath user support has been transferred to the Comenius
University in Bratislava.
EMT, EmC and other organizations are engaged in activity in
Eastern Europe, collected under the two EmNet projects (Euromath
Network and Services). This builds also on previous TEMPUS sponsored
projects. The scope is to transfer and to implement the overall
Euromath idea in the countries concerned with a focus on the creation
of services and centres. There are at present two projects running,
one in Central- and Eastern Europe with 15 partners from the Baltic
States, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Humgary, Bulgaria and
Albania, and one with 62 partners in Bellarus, Russia, Ukraine,
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakstan.
Declaration of Intent - CALL for INTAS
- general information for submission
- Submitted Declaration of Intent
Special information to eventual Phase II
partners from NIS