The Scientific Potential of Siberia

Yakutsk Research Center


     The skeleton of a rhinoceros found near the village of Churapcha, one of the mast valuable exhibits of the Geological Museum of the Yakut Research Centre.

Yakut (Sakha) Republic is situated in the north-east of Siberia (its area is 3103 thousand sq.km, its population 1099 thousand people). Forty per cent of its territory is beyond the Polar Circle. At Oymyakon, "Pole of Cold" of the Northern Hemisphere, the minimum winter temperature is - 71,1 °C, and maximum temperature in summer may reach + 36,7 °C.

Yakutia is rich in diamonds and gold, in tin and antimonium, in oil, coal, and irop ore. It has many mines for the extraction of non-ferrous metals and other minerals. Agriculture is very poor due to the permafrost. Climatic conditions are extremely severe.

The Yakut Research Centre (YRC) of RAS SB includes:
Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
Institute of Mining of the North
Yakut Institute of Geosciences
Permafrost Institute
United Institute of the Physical-Technological Problems of the North involving:
Institute of the Physical-Technological Problems of the North
Institute of Non-Metallic Materials

The Yakut Research Centre (YRC) of YaNAS includes:

Yakut Institute of Biology
Yakut Institute of Language, Literature and History
Economics Institute of Integrated Development of Natural Resources of the North
Environmental Protection Sector Institute of the Problems of Ethnic Groups of the North


Yakutia Research Institute of Agriculture

Higher Education:

Yakut State University
and one more institute

Diamonds of Yakutia.

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© 1996, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
    Last update 26.08.96